My First Accident

18 October 2006
I know it’s a long read but cliff notes:
- Got into an accident
- Ben Schaeffer@Daisy Import (NSX-whisperer) fixed my NSX
- I am happy again
- Thanks to Ben and team at Daisy Import!

It was the early evening of 9/24/11 and I was headed to my buddy’s house after a meet and unfortunately was in my first accident with the NSX.

I was making a wide left turn, heard a pop/bang noise, lost control of the car and the back-end gave out. I tried to correct the slide but unfortunately over-corrected and spun the car 180deg and hit the curb/median. You can only imagine the shock I was in. I got out of the car and looked around and luckily I was not hurt and I did not hit anyone else.

I turned my attention to the car and the visible damage to the vehicle was primarily to the left front/rear wheel. Body damage was minimal to the rear bumper and lower valence as I struck a downed speed limit sign. Rear tire was gashed and looks like road debris was the cause...

I called for a tow truck and then called Ben @ Daisy Import to tell him the bad news. He told me to bring the car to his shop and not to worry.

PICS of car damage:

The car was towed to Daisy Import. Ben put the car on the lift and took me through the damage underneath and it wasn’t a pretty sight. Ben told me not to worry and that he would ensure the car would be back to it’s original state. I left knowing that the car was in the capable hands of Ben Schaeffer(NSX-whisperer).

Over the next few days there was back and forth with the insurance company(progressive) and in the end they paid for everything that need to be replaced.

Ben kept me informed via phone and email as to the progress of my vehicle repairs. I took the downtime to also have Ben perform maintenance to the vehicle (tb/wp/oil change/etc).

It’s been about seven weeks since the incident and I got the car back this past Saturday! It sounds and drives great!

I just wanted to let Prime know of the great mechanic we have access to, especially in the Mid-Atlantic area! Thanks to Ben and team at Daisy Import for the awesome work done to get my car back on the road!
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For those interested here is a listing of the parts that were replaced:

Lft rear ABS sensor
Steering rack
Lft rear suspension hub assembly
Lft rear suspension wheel bearing
Lft rear suspension seal
Lft rear suspension brake hose
Lft rear suspension hub carrier
Lft rear suspension shock absorber
Lft upper rear suspension control arm
Lft lower rear suspension control arm
Lft rear suspension bolt
Lft rear suspension flange
Lft rear suspension control rod
Lft rear suspension rod bolt
Lft rear suspension rod end
Lft rear suspension stabilizer lnk
Lft rear suspension stabilizer bracket
Lft rear suspension bracket
Lft drive axle shaft assembly
Rear lower valence
Rear bumper
Lft front rim
Lft rear rim
Lft rear ABS sensor
Steering rack
Lft rear suspension hub assembly
Lft rear suspension wheel bearing
Lft rear suspension seal
Lft rear suspension brake hose
Lft rear suspension hub carrier
Lft rear suspension shock absorber
Lft upper rear suspension control arm
Lft lower rear suspension control arm
Lft rear suspension bolt
Lft rear suspension flange
Lft rear suspension control rod
Lft rear suspension rod bolt
Lft rear suspension rod end
Lft rear suspension stabilizer lnk
Lft rear suspension stabilizer bracket
Lft rear suspension bracket
Lft drive axle shaft assembly
Rear lower valence
Rear bumper
Lft front rim
Lft rear rim
Luckily your insurance company paid that bill it isn't a cheap one.
A month or two ago I did an damage assessment for a client for pretty much the same parts.
that sucks, why didnt you tell us sooner we could have helped out.

parts, etc.

glad she is back up and running again.
Wow, That was some serious carnage. Sorry to hear that happened to you, but I am happy to see that everything is right as rain now.

You should always post an "after" pic, we will wait.
he said road debris.

Man, good thing insurance company paid for it, I wonder how much that repair was?

Repairs were right around 20k

Wow, That was some serious carnage. Sorry to hear that happened to you, but I am happy to see that everything is right as rain now.

You should always post an "after" pic, we will wait.

I will post some pics this weekend when the weather should be better; we've got some rain till friday around here...
20k for repair? Did your insurance company drop you after the accident? Many moons ago when I had an accident that cost 11k to repair, state farm dropped me from their policy lol.