My EPS went wonky, would S2K steering module work?

7 September 2003
Abu Dhabi, Gorgeous green Capital of the UAE
I have the '91 Auto NSX with EPS. Today it went wonky, the red EPS dash light came on and the steering went old school, i.e. very heavy compared to what I was used to. I now understand (from my readings of related EPS posts) that this is the standard steering of the early manual cars.

My impression of the EPS, when working, is that it is of an early vintage with on/off sensation, very unsophisticated weighting (I am intrigued at this point if there is any difference between the EPS of the early cars and that of the later versions).

Whilst there is a certain visual appeal in trying to re-build my lackluster shoulder, bicep, forearm and wrist muscles, I feel it is more in keeping with the Auto's character to fix the EPS. So, as I go over the list of possible fixes, fuses, batteries, codes, etc... I came across the ancient tech EPS module that sleeps under the amp in the passenger footwell.

My question is, if the EPS module which is essentially an electric control system, could be replaced with the more presumably more sophisticated, up to date, power steering module from the Honda S2K.

I would be grateful for any comments.

Check the code, then send it to BrianK for repair....

Should be quick and easy, and your EPS will be working again.

Do a search on user BrianK and you will see MANY satisfied folks. Personally I just got one repaired and works like a champ:)

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I used Brian K for sorting my Climate Control Unit, so will probably use him again with great pleasure if the unit needs to be reconditioned.

Furthermore, I did a check on the cost of the S2k steering modules and was shocked to discover the costs (discounted) as follows:

Control module, S2000, electric p/s, base model 08-09 $732.56
Control module, S2000, electric p/s, cr model 08-09 $596.89
Control module, 91-92 NSX POWER $705.14

ouch! So its a moot point, but still I wonder if its at all possible.