My Daughter's first time seeing Grand Canyon :)

7 August 2002
Took my daughter to the grand canyon over the weekend.
Thought I would share a few pics :)

(on the drive there, saw a fellow NSX :) )


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That is so awesome!!! Reminds me Danny here that brings his daughter to some of the meets, she loves it .... mine, although almost 5, also LOVES the NSX hahah :D
That is so awesome!!! Reminds me Danny here that brings his daughter to some of the meets, she loves it .... mine, although almost 5, also LOVES the NSX hahah :D

Yea! :)
I think it's both amazing and fantastic that kiddos really get a 'kick' outta the NSX :biggrin:
My daughter just turned 3 years old a few days ago, and is still too young to ride in the NSX. But I look forward to when she can go to car meets with me, as she already plays in the cars in the garage and is constantly saying, 'Come on, Dad...let's do stuff in the garage,' and hangs out in the NSX like it is her playground. Love it. :D
Wow, how long was the drive to the Grand Canyon? Sounds like an awesome road trip, I'm sure your daughter enjoyed it! Do you know who the other NSX owner was?

I would love to take my NSX to the Grand Canyon sometime. Maybe we can plan a 4 state meetup there in the future. :)
Wow, how long was the drive to the Grand Canyon? Sounds like an awesome road trip, I'm sure your daughter enjoyed it! Do you know who the other NSX owner was?

I would love to take my NSX to the Grand Canyon sometime. Maybe we can plan a 4 state meetup there in the future. :)

It was right around 9 hours; perhaps slightly less depending on the route we used. The I-40 route was 700 miles; coming back through the mountains which allowed me to bypass NM was just over 600 miles. Shorter drive through the Mountains but Quite fun :biggrin: Highway 64 over to 160 - sweet freaking drive! Have driven it many times but.... never, ever gets old driving the NSX through the mountains.

Yea - she LOVES the NSX. I certainly think she is a "Car person" in the making ;)

I did not know the other NSX owner. Was actually a chance encounter. We stopped for gas and as we were entering I-40w, we merged right next to him :) (he was in the fast lane obviously) ;)
We used I-40w route going there because our first stop was the Crater.

As it turned out, he was going to the Crater site as well; that was cool! Unfort. did not get an opportunity to talk with him but was still sweet seeing a fellow owner.

Would Love to plan a drive to the Canyon. Perhaps we could meet at the 4-corners monument and drive on over to the Canyon through 160 / 64w.

It's actually a short / easy drive for me; can easily go there and back over a weekend.

Let me know :)



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Very nice! Thank you for sharing. So different from around here (obviously!). :smile:
Very nice! Thank you for sharing. So different from around here (obviously!). :smile:

Yes, I agree. Thank you. I don't even have a kid but really liked this pics and think it would be an awesome thing to do with your daughter.
Would Love to plan a drive to the Canyon. Perhaps we could meet at the 4-corners monument and drive on over to the Canyon through 160 / 64w.

It's actually a short / easy drive for me; can easily go there and back over a weekend.

Let me know :)

That sounds awesome Joe! I would love to do a drive/meet like that! I have a drive planned this month, and NSXPO is in September, but I'll put it on my "future drives" list and make a weekend out of it!
That sounds awesome Joe! I would love to do a drive/meet like that! I have a drive planned this month, and NSXPO is in September, but I'll put it on my "future drives" list and make a weekend out of it!

Perfect! Yes - that sounds really great :) Let's plan for something in the
Future; perhaps next Spring :)

I am also going to NSXPO, (obviously since it's in CO); I am taking my '02 LBB and my son will be with me. I added a pic of him and our LBB so you know whom to look for - stop by and say hello :)



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Perfect! Yes - that sounds really great :) Let's plan for something in the
Future; perhaps next Spring :)

I am also going to NSXPO, (obviously since it's in CO); I am taking my '02 LBB and my son will be with me. I added a pic of him and our LBB so you know whom to look for - stop by and say hello :)

Awesome! Your children have no idea how lucky they are. :D I will definitely visit with you at NSXPO. :)
I have never actually been to the Grand Canyon, but have flown over it may times on the descent into Las Vegas. The scope of it as seen from the air, is truly amazing.



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I have never actually been to the Grand Canyon, but have flown over it may times on the descent into Las Vegas. The scope of it as seen from the air, is truly amazing.


WOW! That's a great perspective; beautiful picture! :)
This talk of people's children and cars reminds me when I was at a track day a few years ago and there was a guy with a white Honda CRX. It was track tattered for sure, and in a sea of new Porsches, BMWs, and other high priced metal, surely the least expensive car there. But there was a Dad and his daughter working on it getting it ready for the next run group. I stopped to say high, partly because I like the CRX, but also to make them feel more comfortable and welcome since sometimes track days can be a bit 'clicky', and his car could be easily overlooked.

I immediately introduced myself and mentioned how much I love the CRX, and how they are such a wonderful car for fun driving. He seemed surprised (seeing as how he was parked next to a new Porsche GT3 and Porsche 997 Twin Turbo) that I was raving about his car, but his daughter seemed suddenly a bit more proud of them being there in the little white CRX. After a few minutes of shooting the breeze about cars he mentioned how he and his daughter were huge NSX fans and, ' you happen to know who owns the white NSX down there,' pointing down the row to my car. I smiled and said, 'Yep. That is mine. You want to drive it,' and his eyes got as big as saucers and after a few moments he politely declined. I said, 'No. Really. Go ahead. The keys are in it. Just bring it back in one piece (I seem to say that to anyone who drives my car)'. But you have to take your daughter with you'. So he turned to his daughter and asked if she wanted to ride in the NSX, which she most certainly did.

We walked down to the car and I showed them all of the important stuff, and wished them well. He probably ran for 10 - 15 minutes in his run group (about 6 minutes at a very conservative pace) and came back raving about the car. Absolutely over the moon about it! He and his daughter thanked me probably 20 times and walked away talking about the handling to each other. It was pretty great to see a Father and Daughter enjoying that moment together, and that I could help. Life is good.
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It was pretty great to see a Father and Daughter enjoying that moment together, and that I could help. Life is good.

This is a great story indeed! Thank you for sharing :)
Also - that is truly awesome what you did for them :) I know they will Never forget it.
(as a side note - last year my daughter started assisting me with oil changes and other routine maint. :)
when you say - "Life is good" -
could not agree more!
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