My daughter is dang cute

13 September 2000
Tulsa, OK
As an entry in the proud parent category, I cannot help but share some pics wifey took of my daughter in her Halloween costume last night. She's just now starting to get REALLY into clothes and since the purchase of her "Princess Costume," she has felt it necessary to sleep with it on. Wand, shoes, and everything.

Without further ado, Princess Bella Grace:




She loves shoes and shopping already. Enjoys drawing, dancing, riding her tricycle, eating sweets and broccoli, and now dressing up. Man, kids are great. =) Especially when they're potty trained. ;)
Once potty trained and until puberty are the best years!
She will always be a princess and there ain't nuthin' wrong with that. :D
She's a sweetie!
yeah, before you know it, low cut jeans, thongs, mini skirt... boys from school chasing her around, I suggest you make an early arrangement with Mr. wolf for your daughter's security. (hey, that will be Grandpa Wolf) :)

j/k, I'm sick today, maybe the drugs make me having too much imaginations.
I agreed, she'll always be your angel, nothing wrong to be daddy's princess, let mom do the dirty works ;)