My car got egged....need suggestions.

10 October 2003
Los Angeles, CA
I posted this in the SouthWest forums too, but was hoping some other people had similar it goes:

This totally sucks!!

I parked my car infront of my friends house (in a very nice quite and heavily secured (always see patrol cars driving around)) for the weekend when I went camping.

When I got back, I noticed someone had thrown around 3 eggs at it...I don't know when it happened. I left Friday around and got back today (sunday) to find this crap!!

Am I going to have to repaint it (on trunk and drivers side rear fender)? I got most of it off, but it was baking under the sun so it left a very weird effect....this strange flaking, bubbling disease-looking, spidery pattern what feels to be UNDER the clear coat!!

I can see it, but I can't feel it!! Will this be something that can be buffed down, or will it have to be repainted?

I hate people...
Spinner said:
Thanks Brian.

I'm going to try clay, then racer's edge, then a polish and a detailer as a last result. I'll post pics later.

Be very careful with clay....clay isn't intended for stuff like that. It's meant for small contaminents such as brake dust, rail dust, overspray, etc...not chunks of dried up egg.
Thanks for the heads-up. The egg and its shell has already been removed via washing the car, now its the marks that were left behind.....very similar to water marks or bird droppings.
Spinner said:
Thanks for the heads-up. The egg and its shell has already been removed via washing the car, now its the marks that were left behind.....very similar to water marks or bird droppings.

Oh, any cleaner-wax or polish should remove that. If not, a light rubbing compound (fine grit) should take care of it.

Try NXT...the chemical cleaning agents in it are quite impressive for that kind of stuff....
Sorry to hear Spinner,

People can sure suck sometimes!!! BAH!!

let us know how it turns out and how you fixed your baby!!
I remember when my car was egged... i was sooo pissed! People can really suck sometimes. Luckily they hit my windshield only.

Good luck!
seems like you didn't get the impact mark of the egg at least....i just got egged like 2 wks ago right outside my house. luckily cleaned up quick and didn't leave any markings. also lucky that it wasn't hit very hard or else another egg mark. good luck
Spinner said:
My car got egged....need suggestions.

Here is my suggestion: Go back to your friends house, park the car outside around dusk and hide in the bushes with a BB gun or a 12ga. loaded with salt. Think of it as community service and therapy all rolled up into one.
Here is my suggestion: Go back to your friends house, park the car outside around dusk and hide in the bushes with a BB gun or a 12ga. loaded with salt. Think of it as community service and therapy all rolled up into one

Then drawn and quartered, these types of people need not live.
ajnsx, then there's no reason to go with the fake, go for the gold...or lead!