Hi Everybody, first I would like to introduce myself to the NSX community,and say Hi to all my future friends,
My name is Brent (Maximumyield), and I live In Calgary Alberta Canada, I started out approx 2 years ago reading and becoming a member of prime, and starting to like the NSX, I have many stories about other NSX's in my ventures leading up the the purchase of Stacy's NSX, but will maybe write on that later. Right now I want to get to know more NSX addicts, and learn all I can about the car. It took me a long time, and believe me I almost jumped on a few other cars as I was getting tired of waiting, now when I think back I am glad thay never worked out.
I was stuck on a red targa forever, and well A good friend of mine mentioned to me his friend Stacy might part with his NSX, so I was a little interested to hear about the car as all options were open.
Well it was yellow and a hardtop, not exactly what I was looking for, well let me tell you, after talking to Stacy and seeing like 4 pictures of this car, I was blown away how good it looked to me, Yellow really suited that car, I can not lie it was sweet looking.Stacy had mentioned all the mods, I think the best one I liked is the Lovefab turbo that Cody is going to install in a few weeks time, I read about these kits and I can not wait for this day to actually meet Cody of Lovefab turbos and of course to have some juice behind the wheels :smile: , also many other awesome things Stacy did to the car, was really impressive.
I take my hat off too Stacy for making the instrument cluster rings and the Stacy Sideskirts, are truly a work of art.(great job Stacy) This car seems like it has everything, and is built from the ground up, so now my question was to buy a stock or modded NSX, hmmm well you all see my choice.
So I hopped on a plane to Kelowna B.C, and my good friend Pete who lives there was kind enough to take me in his H2 and he had a great enclosed trailer, so I was off to see Stacy's NSX, and let me tell you I was not dissapointed.
I would Just like to say it was a very memorable long weekend and still can not believe my looking for a NSX stress is over.I am glad I held off untill this day, I am a very happy 1st NSX owner. I will try to upload a few pics of my trip last weekend.Any other yellows Calgary? turbos?
Now I would like to thank Stacy for being such a good sport, and selling me one of the coolest NSX's I have ever seen, I know its tough bud, but I know you will prob buy a killer machine or build up a even crazier X before we know it:smile:
I would also like to say a BIG THANKS to Stacy , for all the time and help he gave me, muchly appreciated. It was a pleasure to meet you also and have you as a friend Bro,(hope you enjoy the AB beef) thanks for such an awesome machine and I will foresure take care of her bud.
Thanks Prime and everyone else.
Cheers everybody.