My buddy just crashed his 2002 Modena last night


27 May 2002
In the South
Maybe someother time guys.

[This message has been edited by Deqle (edited 16 December 2002).]

[This message has been edited by Deqle (edited 20 December 2002).]
This is the post you want to read.
Yeah, I still can't believe that he is ok. You have to realized, the Modena is upside down; the roof, and the front are crushed, and he is a big guy. Holy smoke, hopefully he will get back on his feet.
My bad, right foot.
Looking on the bright side;
1) at least you guys had fun,
2) at least your friend is okay
3) at least it wasn't an NSX.
Just as a thought, maybe you should have Lud delete this thread until the insurance co. settles with your friend. I had a struggle with a claim and the less the knows, the better. I'm just trying to help out since I was in a similar "I was just turning a corner and it slid out" claim.
With this kind of information the insurance company may deny claim. If it were me I would delet your post asap. If your buddy did not get paid because of this post how would you feel? Worse yet how would he feel?
Yeah, Please delete this post. Sorry it took me a while to get around.
You can edit it yourself -- just delete all the text in the original message. Might want to see if your other seperate posting on this topic is still around and edit that one too.
Originally posted by FuryNSX:
After reading this, two things come to mind:

1) What a waste of a perfectly fine automobile.
2) I'm glad no innocent pedestrians or motorists were injured.

The good thing about rich people running you down is you can sue their A$$.
Originally posted by Tony Montoya:
The good thing about rich people running you down is you can sue their A$$.

You... Or your estate, depending how badly you are injured!

Sounds like someone should have spent a little money on driving lessons before spending a lot of money on a sports car. I bet he won't get a Christmas card from his insurance agent this year.
If Deqle do not decide to edit it himself it will remain here forever!

Is it true that Insurance Co scan automotive forums? It make sense since all major accidents are commented, sometime they also include involved persons comments...