My body shop guy skipped town!

26 April 2001
Columbus, Ohio
After ~2 years of my car being in multiple shops, I thought I had finally landed someone who could wrap up the job of building my show NSX. Due to the delays of trying to get custom parts from over seas, my project got repeatedly sidelined at his garage. The waiting should have been worth it as this guy was supposed to be a true perfectionist.

So I get a call today from the landlord of the shop. Jack Honse, my fabricator and painter, has disappeared. He has left to go somewhere in Mesa, Arizona (we guess) to work at a hotrod custom shop and has left behind four custom car projects. Mine included. My aluminum body parts are scattered behind his shop and *we believe* my car is inside under lock and key.

Here is the kicker. A fellow Prime member wrote me yesterday saying that he saw a black NSX parked outside of Best Buy here in Columbus. A convertible NSX with temporary tags. <sigh> I can't help but fear the worse, as two black convertible NSX's in Columbus Ohio seems a bit odd. I am trying to stay calm and collective about the whole issue, but I think I'm about to snap.

My friends call my car the Curse and even the Myth. The Curse because in the last 4 years I have spent 20 - 30 G's on parts and lack luster service and never get to drive my car. I think I may have driven it 5 times in the last 3 years. The Myth? Because most of my friends have never actually seen my car as it is always in the shop for one reason or the other. This is mostly my fault (mod fever crossed with go-fast crack pipe), but who else here on Prime has paid $1800.00 in labor just to have the clutch changed out, taking the service center 2 months to complete, and returning your car with a badly dented left front fender while claiming it was like that when they got it?

How about having your new Wilwood BBK's installed and then your mechanic takes a grinder to your new calipers so he can get your wheels to fit over them? Not to mention the fact he installed one of the PADS backwards and caused irreparable damage to one of the rotors.

Or how about having a support bolt in the suspension strip out of its socket (hey, it's aluminum!) and your right rear suspension folds into the wheel well at a 90 degree angle requiring a whole new rear cross beam assembly? Not to mention finding that one of your cams is grinding in its journal because of unexplained oil starvation and now you need to replace the entire front bank and drop the bottom end to check for metal shavings.

Hey, and how about having your stereo shop mess with your new brake calipers (yes, again) and forget to put one of the retaining bolts back in so on the way home your caliper locks up between you powder coated custom Work wheels and your rotors causing your car to block a freeway off ramp in a downpour of rain and requiring a tow truck to drag your car (the wheel is still locked!!) up onto its bed? Forget the fact that said stereo shop has practically sat on my car project for 6 months because they were handling "quick money small jobs". And the fact that my installer was fired half way through the job for selling stolen goods out of the stereo shop to street customers.

Maybe I can tell the story of how I fought with Mike Constantine from Speed Within Reach (now rightfully defunct!) for months to get reimbursed thousands of dollars for clutch cores and returned Clutch Masters' twin disk clutches that would never work properly thus resulting in the $1800.00 service bill mentioned earlier? I'm sure some of you Prime members might find that story interesting. Hmmmmm???

For years I have been an avid NSX enthusiast and supporter. I have kept my chin up and just looked past everything with a twinge of annoyance at the incompetence of others who work in the automotive field. But I am burnt out. I must decide whether to aim to finish my car as I have been trying to do for years now, or cut my losses and part out my car and escape with whatever funds I can pull out of the ashes. I just wish I could have found someone who was willing to share the ambitions I had for building my show NSX. Now I just await to find out if it is still behind the locked doors of a body shop located 2 hours north of me and if so, what to do with it.
Dude this could be a reality tv show on VH1!!!!!! Sorry you have had so many troubles..Does your VIN# have 666 in it? :eek:
Juice....I know your car exists because evidently at one time the planets were aligned and it was at an NSX meet in if your friends want proof have them call me. ;)

On a more serious note...I know we only met once, but I want to help if I can. Do you need someone to drive over to where your car is and check on it?? I can shoot on over there from Indiana this weekend if you need it. Just let me know, bro.
You need to get out of the nsx world, you've got no luck whatsoever and shouldn't be near a car like this! :tongue:
I have two trains of thought on your sad, sad plight.

The first is, I hope your car is gone and your full-coverage insurance is paid because then hopefully it will stay gone long enough for you to get reimbursed the value of the car. A partial return on your investment would be better than nothing. This first path would be preferable for many reasons.

The second is, is there a small airport in your area? You might try and rent private hangar space in your area, some place that will permit you to keep whatever you want in there, say a car, and work on it yourself there. Or rent the largest storage unit you can find, then take your car there, and set up a mini-apartment in the back, with a bed, a porta-potti, a dorm-style refrigerator, a microwave, an old recliner, and a lamp. (Try and find a storage unit with an an electrical outlet). Of course the self-storage places frown on this. Then live with your car in there, at least part-time, while you learn how to do the work yourself. You could shower somewhere else. Sort of a voluntary self-imprisonment. You do penance by living with and working on the car until it is at least roadworthy. The money you save on "labor" paying knuckleheads would pay your rent plus tools. Many specialty tools can be rented for a short time also. Solemnly swear to yourself that if you can't paint the car yourself, you will drive it around in primer. It would be better to drive it in primer than let someone else get their hands on it. You could probably get a large storage unit for $300 a month, cheap compared to the money you have thrown at idiots, and get away with "living" in there part-time for at least a year if you kept a low profile.

I feel your pain. I had a little trouble myself when I was younger with shady car dealers and mechanics and my own poor judgement of other people's character. If I had just kept my stock Mustang coupe things would have went much smoother in my young life. But I pursued motorcycles and other, sexier cars, and it ended up having more negative impact on my young life than it should have.

For the love of God man, get treatment for your mod fever and give up the speed crack pipe. Those two things are worse than heroin. What's so bad about driving a stock NSX? If you get an insurance settlement, buy a stock NSX then become an originality buff, and expend your efforts on finding correct date-coded coil packs or whatever.
I am sorry for the problems you have had but all we can do now is share (thanks for doing that) and eductate on lessons learned.

Truth is - most people (short of a few real engineers and mechanics) shouldn't attempt to have people completely re-engineer their cars into something they are not.

You would have been much better buying a stock Z06 or ACR Viper, enjoyed it for the brute power it has, and sold it with an average amount of depreciation.

I really hope things work and nobody else has to suffer the same fate.
DAMN!!! that sucks.

The landlord should have all the info he needs to track this guy down. SS number, DL number, something. Go to a lawyer and see what legal action you can take. If it were me, I'd be on the first plane to Mesa with a few friends.

Good luck Juice.
Juice, Damn!!!!! I feel with you and for ya, as I know others that have and are recovering from similar stories. I can understand wanting to build your version of what a supercar is to you and going out and trying to do it. So you will not get the "I told you so" or the "You should have left it alone" quotes from me. Believe me you are not alone. There are way more people that are suffering similar situations, though in various degrees of depth.
Some just don't post on Prime. Stop in the Chat room more.

Don't let it kill your drive. Just take it on the chin and continue to do the things that drive you.
It's very hard when you go out and trust people based on others accounts, but yet we have to trust someone. Unfortunately, there are more people that know just enough to be stupid and they are still getting accolades from others. Those are the ones we end up with unfortunately.. And the results all seem to similar to yours...

Good luck with YOUR car... I hope all works out for you.
I know how it is to give mega $$$$'s away to someone for sub par performance. Also to not drive the car much over a 3 year period.
Also to here some of the same comments from friends and people on prime, telling me I should have left it stock, or you should have or should not have done this or that to a car that I was making into MY own.

Keep going where other really want to go, but are afraid to.
Keep stepping outside of the box.
The hardest thing, Keep your sanity.... :smile:

I hope it all works out for you....
Man on man - maybe the best thing that could happen at this point is the guy stole the car and wrecked it? If I had even one of those experiences, I would have never taken the car to someone that I was not 100000% certain of in the NSX community. Sorry to hear the sad story, hope it all works out.
I live in C-bus/Grandview

Where has any/all of this work been done? I want to make sure that I avoid any place that you have taken this. I've never seen a vert NSX can you email me pics to [email protected]. I'll keep my eye out for your ride. I'm usually in Dublin or downtown.
Sorry to hear of your problems, sounds like you need to get into that garage and see what is there, post haste! and then take some time to find a service provider that you can trust, I have been in the automotive undustry for 15 years and I have seen alot of really stupid people (guys that take grinders to big$ calipers to make wheels fit) and there is a reason that quality work costs alot of$ I have found that most people smart enough to do this work well, will choose to do something else for a living. Stereo shops are very questionable, most are run by theves and people of questionible reputation.
So to anyone looking to get work done on any part of your car, get multipul recomendations from past customers before letting them touch your car.

Hope you find your car and get back on track soon,JZ
Unfortunately (if the car is still there) I still need to find a new fabricator. If I had the time, I guess I could try a hand at it myself, but I have to be realistic here. The job still needs to be done, and I still need to find someone capable of doing it. I knew Len would understand my pain and honestly you expect some of this this when you tinker with a car this much. But damn, this is truely bringing me down.

And for the stock guys, you'll be happy to know I don't plan on doing this again. I just want to get my car done so I can start saving for whatever my future holds. I've told my girlfriend that it would be nice to own a Zanardi - bone stock. I just need to get this headache out of the way first.

At this point I'm willing to work with somebody out of state to get the job done right. I'm not sure where to start looking though. Word of mouth will not be enough this time. I want someone who I can hold to a legal contract and a strict time line to follow. It would also be nice to have someone who is familiar with the NSX.

I wonder if Ravi would be interested?
If it helps I know an excellent fabricator and all around performance car builder he has spent the last 8 years making parts for 1.0+ million $ cars for collectors. But he is here in seattle. JZ

P.S "professional" just meens that they do it for a living.
zahntech said:
Stereo shops are very questionable, most are run by theves and people of questionible reputation.
So to anyone looking to get work done on any part of your car, get multipul recomendations from past customers before letting them touch your car.

Hope you find your car and get back on track soon,JZ

WOW, thats a pretty bad assumption and a blanket statement!! Maybe you are shopping at the wrong shops. I know hundreds of Stereo shop owners and all of them are stand up guys. I might not like some of them, but none of them are crooks! Put some facts behind your statement. :mad:

On the more important topic here, Juice, I am sorry to here of your misfortune. If you still have your car and need a recommendation for a professional car audio specialist in your area, PM me and I will see what I can find.--Brett
I said "most" not all, and here is a pretty good example..."Hey, and how about having your stereo shop mess with your new brake calipers (yes, again) and forget to put one of the retaining bolts back in so on the way home your caliper locks up between you powder coated custom Work wheels and your rotors causing your car to block a freeway off ramp in a downpour of rain and requiring a tow truck to drag your car (the wheel is still locked!!) up onto its bed? Forget the fact that said stereo shop has practically sat on my car project for 6 months because they were handling "quick money small jobs". And the fact that my installer was fired half way through the job for selling stolen goods out of the stereo shop to street customers."...JZ
Oh and I am just speaking from the last 15 years of fixing peoples cars after they have been to a "profeesional" stereo installer shop and then afterwords thier car doesnt run or the lights dont work properly or the dash has been cut into shreds buy shops that are very popular and are suposedly of good quality....JZ
zahntech said:
I said "most" not all, and here is a pretty good example..."Hey, and how about having your stereo shop mess with your new brake calipers (yes, again) and forget to put one of the retaining bolts back in so on the way home your caliper locks up between you powder coated custom Work wheels and your rotors causing your car to block a freeway off ramp in a downpour of rain and requiring a tow truck to drag your car (the wheel is still locked!!) up onto its bed? Forget the fact that said stereo shop has practically sat on my car project for 6 months because they were handling "quick money small jobs". And the fact that my installer was fired half way through the job for selling stolen goods out of the stereo shop to street customers."...JZ

"A" What was a "Stereo shop" doing "messing" with the brake calipers??
"B" Just because the shop was running behind( although a still inexcusable amount of time) does not make the owner a crook.
"C" I would say that since the owner "fired" one of his top fabricators for stealing, that would even further substantiate that the owner is not a crook.

Good employees are hard to find in the Car audio industry. I believe you will find that "most" owners are very good intentioned and honest, but that many are earning bad reputations from not so intentioned and honest employees. I know I have had my share of installers that were very talented, but the baggage they brought with them was not worth it and they were fired as soon as their true colors showed through. I now have an excellent crew in each store that I can trust and they have been and will be with me for a while to come. Find the store that has seasoned veterans to do your work and you should not be dissappointed.

*steps off soap-box, thread hi-jacking finished** :tongue:
Oh and maybe my veiw has been altered by watching the news here in seattle in the last 5 years we have had 2 shops busted for selling stollen eqp and drugs also there was one shop that was installing big$ systems then a week later a couple of employees would steal it all back and sell it at the swap meet or how about the car i just had trhe other day ..A nissan maxima that the customer spent 5k getting the system installed then the A/C quit working,,, they brought it to me and I found that when they installed the circuit breaker they drilled thru the firewall and into the A/C evaporator ...I guess the didnt notice the cloud of R134 refrigerant coming out! anyway I guess I just see all the nasty ones..JZ
zahntech said:
Oh and I am just speaking from the last 15 years of fixing peoples cars after they have been to a "profeesional" stereo installer shop and then afterwords thier car doesnt run or the lights dont work properly or the dash has been cut into shreds buy shops that are very popular and are suposedly of good quality....JZ

15 years experience. That puts you starting installing in 1990. Have you worked in any places of business or are you the local "friend that installs"? Believe me when I say I am not doubting your ability or your experiences with your local shop, but I would be willing to bet that I get job applications with that same job experience quota at least twice a week. Everyone has experience with putting a radio in or fixing a friends system at one time or another, but it does not make you an installer or entitle you to call "most" stereo shop owners thieves.
If you truely are a gifted installer with references and pictures of your work, I have a position open for a lead fabricator paying $50-75K a year. I would expect no less than MECP, some type of higher end training(like Fakuda or Mobile solutions), actual in-store experience of at least 5 years, your own tools(a real set) and at least one installation that has made a trade publication.

Regardless we have hi-jacked this thread enough. PM me if you wish to discuss this any more.
your reputation is built by your employees and if you have found good ones than thats great for you and your customers, I just wish there were more shops like yours here...JZ
I am not an "installer" I am an ASE master certified and Acura master certified automobile technician and I make alot more than 75k per year Fixing peoples cars correctly. JZ
SNDSOUL? nothing to add? Like I said If you have good employees and do good work than thats great and I wish we had more shops that fit that discription around here, JZ