My baby's got new mods & a new body...

18 September 2002
Honolulu, HI
My baby's got new mods....(Updated w/Show Pics.)

Aloha All,

When I first came on this board I told myself that when I got my NSX, I would keep her as original as possible.....yeah right !!!! With all the "bad" influences on this board, she never stood a chance!!!:D (although I still have all my original parts) I think I'm content with how she looks for now, my next step is to get her to move a little faster. Coming from a TT Supra and a V8 background I miss the neck snapping acceleration. I'll be looking into a turbo or SC soon.......... (I've added some pics of a photo shoot I did with one of my clubs models....enjoy!!!)




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Very nicely done!! I really like your mods!!
Do you have any high-res close-up photos???
(of the car!!! :rolleyes: )

those rims and calipers are sensational. your white/black/red color scheme is perfectly balanced. i like it a lot!
Neo, I'll get some better pics after this weekend. My car will be in the Import Xtreme show tomorrow so I'll post some pics of the show & better pics of the car after the weekend.

Blue Knight, .....:D :D I need to "plead the 5th" on that question....I don't want to reveal all her mods ;)
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Deuce said:
My car will be in the Import Xtreme show tomorrow so I'll post some pics of the show & better pics of the car after the weekend.


I'll look for your car at the show. You have to let me know what shows you will attend so when I start entering I'll have a chance to win sometime;)

That 02 rear end looks real nice. I'll have to copy you on that and the WW sides, but I think I'll go with the new SOS front slpitter instead of the WW one. I may also do the 02 tailights instead of the dark JDM ones as well. Anyway, the car looks good and maybe I'll see you at the show.

Blue Knight said:
nice...very nice....

does she have a twin............turbo? :D
Nice, clean "type R" look... both car and model.
What exhaust system is that -- nice twin-cans :D

Did you paint the whole front-end white, or were the internal grille "fins" body-color to begin with?? Black on most cars.
nsx1164 said:
Nice, clean "type R" look... both car and model.
What exhaust system is that -- nice twin-cans :D

Did you paint the whole front-end white, or were the internal grille "fins" body-color to begin with?? Black on most cars.

Exhaust is Taitec JGTC (I like polished look on the "twin-cans :D) .....the front grill was painted when the kit was installed.
Last night's show was crazy!!!!!Good & bad.....Bad was the fact that my car was in the middle of everything right next to a booth where everyone crowded around.....not good!!! Had to tell a bunch of people to get their a$$ off the car & actually move people to stop them from sitting on the car!!! Don't get me wrong, I can live with leaning on the car but when you have buttons or even a belt buckle that can scratch, that doesn't sit well with me.
Now the Good, the car amazingly came out without a scratch!!! My car also took 1st in the Acura class!!!:cool: My car club (EFI Unlimited) & other members took home a total of 5 1st place awards & one 2nd place. Our models were looking great (I'll have pics up soon) and the show was just plain awesome!!!!!

Neo, these pics were taken at the show with my friend's digital camera so they should be a lot better (I'm learning that my 35mm camera just can't keep up with the quality of a digital)




I'll get the rest up as soon as I get my film developed :( (I'm getting a digital soon!!!)
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Deuce said:
Neo, these pics were taken at the show with my friend's digital camera so they should be a lot better (I'm learning that my 35mm camera just can't keep up with the quality of a digital)

Your 35mm is just fine, you just need to get them scanned better. Try slides and have the developer scan them to disc for you.

BTW, great looking car and mod(el)s:D
Deuce said:

Now the Good, the car amazingly came out without a scratch!!! My car also took 1st in the Acura class!!!:cool: My car club (EFI Unlimited) & other members took home a total of 5 1st place awards & one 2nd place. Our models were looking great (I'll have pics up soon) and the show was just plain awesome!!!!!


Congratualtions on the first place win. It looks like both our car clubs did really well at this show. Our club only had 4 cars showing with three entered for judging. All three cars placed 1st and 2nd in their category. My friends Cefiro took 2nd in the Nissan class behind the Skyline. Another member took 1st in the Subaru class and also won 1st in the Super Street Best of Show award. Another member took 1st in the SUV class with his Honda Oddessy. Overall it looks like it was a good day for all. I wish you continued success (Right up until I get my car ready for show :D J/K) as we have some mutual friends in EFI.

can u tell all the models that I said Hi, and I have a NSX too ;)

congrats on 1st place
You may have more chance than you think (j/k), I'm actually debating entering another show. This one was too close for comfort. I'm actually surprised my car came out without damage with all the people that were sitting and leaning on the car. One guy actually hit the roof trying to grab for a t-shirt:mad: !!!

I'll tell them....:D
Jus' wanted to share one last pic I found of my car on another site. I thought it looked pretty cool :cool: ....kinda makes my car look like a toy.......


Your car and model are both beautiful but I'm most captivated by your wheels. Could you please tell me what kind and the specs of the wheels? Thanks.