Multi Level Marketing Question

6 November 2002
Has anyone here ever done multi level marketing? A long time friend of mine has recently become involved with a company called Pharmanex. He took me to a meeting at some guy's house last night basically trying to recruit me and get me all excited about it. It's one of those things where they don't tell you anything about the company or what you're even doing there. We watched some conference video and listen to some other guy for awhile. I came away feeling even more confused about what they do. I'm not sure what to think because my friend has had his own construction company for a long time, and about 6 months ago built a new house for himself and his family that cost about $500k (his cost). He always has plenty of money to blow on new toys, cars, etc... and a little while ago completely walked away from his constructions business to do this. There were several other people at the meeting with similar stories. The house that hosted the meeting was a multimillion dollar home in a gated community. The owner says this is the only thing he does now. He walked away from a corporate job several years ago and hasn't really worked a day since. It just all sounds to good to be true, which usually means that it is. What do you guys think?
People from all walks of life get recruited into MLM companies with mostly unrealistic expectations. These companies use very influencial people as their "point" guys. They are able to impress and infuence MANY people including several physicians I work with.

If you have the personality to do this type of work and it's something you really love to do, they by all means go for it. Just don't quit your day job! Of all the people I know in MLM companies, NONE has made much money at it. I actually get a kick out of watching some of the "motivational" tapes. :) They don't motivate me, they are just funny.
I did an MLM a few years back, and I loved the actual work itself...I have a very out going personality, I'm a natural leader, and I learned quite a bit out of it. Financially, I made a decent amount of money (no $500k homes for me though), but enough to start up my business when I left the MLM.

If you have an outgoing personality and you are very determined, you may want to give a shot, but its not for everyone.
Yeah, I don't have expectations to go in there and become an instant millionare. I just don't have any experience with these types of things. I've always just heard about them and turned the other way because they sounded retarded. The only reason I'm even considering it is I know and trust this guy well, but the whole thing still sounds wierd. Mostly because it's all new to me. I've always had the idea and work ethic of working my butt off everyday to make money. Not recruit people around the world to work for me and make me money. Plus I only pay $1k to get started and if within the next year I decide it's not right for me or whatever, I can get 90% of my money back. But I will definetely not be quitting my day job anytime soon. Not that I'm getting rich off of that anyway, but it's at least stable right now. I just didn't know if this whole MLM thing was legit or not.