mt baker run

23 July 2007
Apparently club Si has a Mt Baker run every year, last year I went to both the NSX run and theirs, and with theirs I was all alone. Not one other NSX. Not that im complaining, but if you guys are interested id like to see who would like to tag along this year with me. arnon? chris? dan? fowlers? anyways last years was good, no agressive driving, at least not what I saw and when we got to the top it was actually HOT up there as in heat hot (and a few good looking chicks) not to mention there was at least 120+ cars ,let me know if anyone is interested. Ive registered with clubSI because the wife has one (nicer than the NSX) for real! and I want her to do more with it than just park it in the garage and take it to work. lol. Anyhow let me know -sarge
BTW- I would like to comment that perhaps we need to start thinking about moving this event to earlier in the season?

I never realized there was an S2k run, I thought they just tagged along with us. I'd be happy to go with them sometime!
They do tag along, but since Dean invited them the very first year... Actually he started that with one of the S2k owner, Anada, who likes to tag along with us nsx Claim Jumper group. Both of them did ran up the hill alone to determined the route...

Then after that, Dean carried on the momentum and organized our event and continued inviting them the S2k guys. Being a younger group and some of them like to drive a little more aggresively, have their own Baker run too..

Don't know how Dean would feel, but if he would just organized the Baker Run with the S2ki and clubSI guys, It will probably be a very big turn out. Which I'm not sure if that's something we want or not.

There's some prejudice between the different car clubs.... It's been long time that I joined with the import or Honda clubs meet. When I used to attend their meets I found out that people found us nsx guys intimidating (maybe they think we are weird or something.) They might come snapping couple pics, (on Jackson's or John's cars) but few will really want to talk to us, it probably won't help that the small group of nsx people showing up and only talked about their nsx...

Since Sarge been both the events, maybe he can shine some light and shared what he thinks about their event... besides young chicks and big turn out... :)
I think the run went fine with the club si guys. I went because my wife has an civic SI. the turn out was big and suprisingly alot of the car owners were our age. not alot of teenagers. We drove in 5 seperate groups so we didnt clog the highway. I thought that was a good idea on their part. anyways, the drive up was good and I think i was passed only once. There was not alot of aggressive driving .They picked a great day, no rain/cold etc.. no one was racing, there wasnt someone trying to ruin it for everybody (thankfully) the meeting place is fine, the mall parking lot by applebees, we had our own section of parking so no shopping carts between cars, cause you know some people dont know what a nice car is when they are staring at it. Maps were handed out for people not from the area, which seemed organized.
anyways when we got to the top we all parked and it was kinda like a carshow, you know bbq's, people walking around, etc. I did hear from time to time "thats the nsx owner" so yea, I didnt have alot of people talking to me about my car, I dont know what their feelings were about it, I know when I was younger Id bug the hell out of an NSX owner until he told me to go away, but you know how "we" were. anyways I do plan to go again this year, and I think that any nsx or s2000 would have a good time. CHRIS? ARNON? I will post pics from the last time if anyone is interested
Correct me if I am wrong, but, there is snow on that road.:eek: :eek: :confused:
HAHAHA your crazy dude, you know were talking about this summer time, but wouldnt it be fun to be so rich to do it in snow. lol OOPS i wrecked the NSX I guess I better uncover my other. YA right!
Hey guys,

You know I'll be there just so long as I'm not working. So I hope its on a Sunday. Speaking of which, when is the event? Also it seems we have a new attendee. I recieved a call last night from a guy down in Aberdeen, new owner and just as excited as I am about running around with you guys. Interestingly, he just bought the same year & color combo as I did. Well that means there is only 22 left for that year & color, hehe.

Anyhow, just keep me posted on the schedule.

Chris from Tacoma
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If I remember right it was after the NSX baker run last year. so September? I think so anyways. I will keep my eyes peeled on the SI forum and get you a date as soon as they have one set.
For those of you that have made more than 1 NSX/S2000 Mt Baker drives, will remember that August is usually a great month for weather. Last year was the exception. It's hard to predict the weather any month in the NW. I think I will keep the date for the NSX/S2000 drive to Mt Baker in August. 120 cars - I really don't want to be responsible for that many. 30-40 cars has been working for us over the years and plus there is a small charge to use lodge and I don't want to try and collect from 120 drivers. It's bad enough there are a few in the NSX/S2000 group that didn't pay last year. The Si run sounds like fun, but I'm pretty sure they do not have access to the lodge like we normally do.
well, I was actually thinking it might be a good idea that just joining the clubsi and taking a back seat this year. I assumed that most of us are going to be attending nsxpo in Sept.
The SI club didnt use the lodge, NSX-D is correct, but then it was so sunny out, we really didnt need to and in the right time of the year (which ever DAY that falls on) Id really rather save the money.
I guess the reason for the post was to see if anyone just wanted to join in this year. I enjoy these events no matter what group it is, as long as its not the clasic VW club or something off the wall where an NSX just doesent fit in.
i'll be there again this year, both of them. didn't make the nsx run last year cause i didn't have wheels on, but i did make the club si one with my civic.
Hello all, I'm Sam, who kind of put together the multi-forum/clubsi cruises the last 2 years. I always made it a point to invite the s2000 & nsx guys along and would have had another NSX last year if Crescent from C-Speed had driven his (he wisely took his EG racecar)

I'm not so sure that I'm going to be organizing another 'big' meet for this year because as the number of attendees goes up, there is more potential for thigns to go wrong, and costs go up. I've never asked for a dime but last year was graciously sponsored by H&R Springs- they paid for vinyl decals on cars, signs on the road, and hundreds of Krispy kreme donuts.

I was really happy with what I personally saw last year, but I heard reports of asshattery in the parking lot, and people going too fast down the mountain. At least one SRT-4 guy got a ticket. I also want to co-ordinate better with MBSA and use the lodge, so I'd have to charge a fee. I would also need to move parking lots (I'd want to use the Tulalip Casino lot along I5, and they want a chunk of money for security detail). The next event/cruise that I do is going to be huge, gonna do a salmon BBQ for lunch, and get some raffle items going, but it might have to wait until 2009, it's going to cost at least $20/car, and it might be REALLY slow (if i have to end up asking everyone to obey the posted speed limit + notify police and state highway patrol). But I'd rather do that then have people getting reckless driving tickets or into accidents as as result of something I am in charge of.

The weather I've had on my 2 meets was pure luck as I pick a date right at the end of summer / beginning of fall, way ahead of time, and cross my fingers. I try to plan it deliberately late to avoid most tourist traffic (last year didn't work so hot due to road construction). I have never had the fortune of attending one of your Baker drives (I lack an NSX, or S2000), but I'd just keep that good thing going.
would like to attend the big meet you have planned but unfortunately I leave in late August. hopefully the nsx one will be before I leave here :frown:
are you back from italy? or did you get an itch to get on prime because you felt like a trator looking at ferrari's ?
Yes, we are back to the rain and snow! We ought to get together and see some pictures we took from the trip.
Having trouble getting HID from this guy "evof575gtc" a silver member:confused: , he cashed my check weeks ago....til now, I don't know where my HID is???
Hey little Orpan Boy, we are having a meet at Skycart tonight. you comin:biggrin:
Yes, we are back to the rain and snow! We ought to get together and see some pictures we took from the trip.
Having trouble getting HID from this guy "evof575gtc" a silver member:confused: , he cashed my check weeks ago....til now, I don't know where my HID is???

Did you email or PM him? most people having good experience with him... he ever sent you a tracking number??