MSN Money Article - WOW

18 July 2005
I read this and was somewhat disgusted. Anyone else think this is pretty conniving?


Some choice excerpts:

"Keep it to yourself. In a pre-divorce situation, there is a fine line between deception and self-preservation. Though you may intend to leave, Woodhouse cautions against telling your spouse."

"Tapping a joint account "should be a last resort," says Woodhouse -- one that you take just before you leave."

"Daphne, a reader on the Women in Red message boards, advises taking any classes you need, sprucing up your résumé and buying a new suit or briefcase before you leave so that you pay for these things from joint funds."
Pretty sexist article...where is the one stating How to Leave your Wife?

Also it looks like some surfers beat up a photographer in Malibu Beach. :tongue: :biggrin:
I know! Look how man figgin windows you have open and that you tried to cover up with photoshop. How much multi-tasking porn surfing can one man do?!? :tongue: :biggrin:
With multiple monitors, the sky is the limit. :biggrin:

Just messin' - i'm trying to keep work/personal related stuff out of the pic.
I clicked on this thread and thought my son had colored on my monitor with a pen again! :mad: :biggrin:
Empowering women to just up and leave, and clean up the accounts while at it, is a better headline than the ferry capsizing (to the right) where some 700 ppl are missing. Way to go MSN.

If I ever do decide to marry, it'll be to a computer illiterate woman.
Just messin' - i'm trying to keep work/personal related stuff out of the pic.

For future reference -- Alt-Printscreen will capture just the active window, not the entire desktop. Much more useful if you just want to show off one thing, and not your entire workspace :biggrin: .

As far as the article -- yeah, it's pretty base. I'd probably be insulted, if only I cared more.
For future reference -- Alt-Printscreen will capture just the active window, not the entire desktop. Much more useful if you just want to show off one thing, and not your entire workspace :biggrin: .

As far as the article -- yeah, it's pretty base. I'd probably be insulted, if only I cared more.

Thanks for the tip. No more editing in MS paint. :biggrin:
That's funny. I wonder if the email I sent the editor had anything to do with it.
I think that's the article my ex-wife read.:redface: