MR2 plowing into a parked Jetta at a car meet

What's even more unbelievable, is that i was there and my NSX was parked where the Jetta ended up next to the curb. The crash happened about 10 minutes after I left. I knew something was going to go worng when inexperienced drivers started messing around in the parking lot and street. I would have been very pissed if my car would have been hit, and probably totalled.

BTW, this happened in Boca Raton behind the Hooters :eek: on Glades Rd.
Dr.Lane said:
I knew something was going to go worng when inexperienced drivers started messing around in the parking lot and street.

Good call...! Glad you left the place in time.

These young punks are unbelievable. :eek:
I have seen this clip before and I am sorry for the person who got hit, BUT this clip is just too funny.
Dr.Lane said:
What's even more unbelievable, is that i was there and my NSX was parked where the Jetta ended up next to the curb.

I'm glad your car was not there. Sad to see the driver acting stupid and crashing his mr2.
bayareansx1999 said:
all the dirver had to do was turn to the right, but it looks like he wanted to crash into the jetta... :confused: :confused:

its a VW ven-detta!!!!!! he had it out for him!!!:mad:

:confused: Yeah, looks almost deliberate unless he paniced and forgot where his brakes were.

<B>Dr.Lane</B>: I'm glad your NSX wasn't involved, or i would have been crying after watching that. VW's and MR2's are expendible. ;)