Mr.Wolf's NSX VideoClip (Extract from Pulp Fiction)

2 October 2001
Look what i found just in time for Christmas!!!

High-Quality Footage of Mr.Wolf's NSX from Pulp Fiction... i have temporarily uploaded it to this faster server (maybe someone else can host this?) coz the one i got it from went down.

<A HREF=""><FONT SIZE=+2>Mr.Wolf's NSX</FONT></A> 5.1MBytes (Req. DivX 5.02)

[This message has been edited by NeoNSX (edited 26 December 2002).]
slow, slow, slow.. not working. I downloaded the divx 5.whatever and still no pic only sound

[This message has been edited by cpmoran (edited 26 December 2002).]
cpmoran: slow? don't forget i'm on the other side of the world to you. i don't know what version of windoze/mediaplayer u're using, but it works okay for me. anyone else with playback probz? (prepares for flood)

Can someone else post this elsewhere? i admit it's slow, but it's the best i got.
<A HREF="">Click here to download DivX 5.02</A>

TIP: <FONT FACE=arial>try using Windows Media Player FIRST... if this has issues, then use the DivX Player Alpha 2.0 that comes with divx... problem is the player is sometimes a little buggy.</font>

[This message has been edited by NeoNSX (edited 27 December 2002).]
In case u guys are wondering what the above clip contains, it has these scenes:

1) "It's 30mins away, i'll be there in 10"
2) Acura NSX arriving
3) Guys talking with Acura NSX in background
4) NSX burning off in a trail of dust.

Probably everyone on nsxprime already owns pulp fiction on dvd though.

If the Matrix is real, then the NSX is just a figment of your imagination.
Originally posted by NeoNSX:

Probably everyone on nsxprime already owns pulp fiction on dvd though.

nope, i am creative, just burned it off on 2 cds tho, but still is great to watch!
Remember when Mr. Wolf says to Vincent and Jules "I'm takin' m'lady out to breakfast. Maybe I can drop you two off. Where do you live?"

How was he going to fit both of them in the NSX?

I was reading the script from here and it says "He turns and banters with Raquel as they get in the Porsche." and "The Porsche SHOOTS OFF down the road". So I'm wondering if the original script did call for a Porsche???

[This message has been edited by Jim (edited 28 December 2002).]
KODIAC: oh, u got the OFFICIAL Video CD version, right?

JIM: yeah... i noticed that too about taking them for a lift. (maybe he was gonna transport THEM in the trunk?)

i like Mr.Wolf... we need Mr.Wolf's photo on the frontpage of NSXprime... our mascot.

If the Matrix is real, then the NSX is just a figment of your imagination.
Originally posted by Jim:
So I'm wondering if the original script did call for a Porsche???

Yes, the script was originally written before the NSX was even released. By the time they were ready to make the movie and did the final draft, the NSX had been out for a couple years.
It was a good decision to change to the Acura. Otherwise i never would have watched the movie.

If the Matrix is real, then the NSX is just a figment of your imagination.

i'm gonna take this video off the server as soon before it generates too much traffic.

If the Matrix is real, then the NSX is just a figment of your imagination.