Mr.Wolf's Car Cleaning Corp.

26 June 2003
On the job
This photo reminded me of something I said once:
"Pretty please with a cherry on top, now clean the f***ing car." :D
I can't remember exactly.

My apology's to the ladies on this forum for my profain language.
It was a tough day. :D


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Brian2by2 said:
He should be shot.

No. I don't see it that way. He is probably getting allot more enjoyment out of his car than I am with mine by me letting it sit so much and not driving it unless conditions are perfect.
Now that's a daily driver!! :D
WOW! I don't even let my Civic get that dirty in the middle of winter.:eek:
Did anybody else notice the side air intakes are exceptionally clean? Maybe this person is being more careful than we give him credit for.

Just a thought

This car belong to Klas..a forum member...he uses it as a daily driver

i think its very unnecessary to say that someone should be shot
cause he uses the car in bad weather conditions

Re: Thought it looked familiar...

Ojas said:
Amazing that this is the same car in these beautiful shots.

I'm glad Klas enjoys his NSX in those weather conditions... Otherwise, we would not have photos like this.
Absolutely beautiful shots of the NSX!
Did anybody else notice the side air intakes are exceptionally clean? Maybe this person is being more careful than we give him credit for....
I believe the clean intakes are due to the aerodynamics of the intake area.