
18 February 2013
OK, I'll make the post everyone else was wondering about, but no one wanted to make: Why does this high tech hybrid, 9 speed DSG equipped car get the same crappy highway mileage (22 MPG) as the Audi R8 V10? I expected another NSX "party trick" would be 30+ MPG highway cruising capability - guess not!
I know, if you can afford a $200k car a few bucks more for gas is irrelevant, but it would have been nice to save resources and increase the range.
And why can't the title be all caps :confused:
For fair balance, why not include the city mileage comparison?

City. Highway. Ave

R8 14. 22. 17
NSX. 21. 22. 21

gee, the NSX is 50% better on fuel economy in the city than the R8

if you go on YouTube, it seems that most of the time supercars are just revving up city streets, so the NSX will have a big advantage over the R8 on that front
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I drove about 40 miles to work yesterday mostly in "Quiet Mode" and got 26.2 MPG (and this included a few Sport+ spirited runs). I imagine 27MPG will be typical for my commute (traffic, but not stop and go traffic). The Hybrid system actually works, and meaningfully improves MPG for anything other than "cruise control flat freeway" type driving. In the latter case, expect about 24 MPG at 65MPH and ~23 MPG at 70-75MPH. Running in Sport+ hurts mileage a lot because it holds lower gears / higher revs and keeps the battery so full that there's "no room" to store juice from regenerative braking.

I consider this level of fuel economy to be a excellent for a car like this.
I drove about 40 miles to work yesterday mostly in "Quiet Mode" and got 26.2 MPG (and this included a few Sport+ spirited runs). I imagine 27MPG will be typical for my commute (traffic, but not stop and go traffic). The Hybrid system actually works, and meaningfully improves MPG for anything other than "cruise control flat freeway" type driving. In the latter case, expect about 24 MPG at 65MPH and ~23 MPG at 70-75MPH. Running in Sport+ hurts mileage a lot because it holds lower gears / higher revs and keeps the battery so full that there's "no room" to store juice from regenerative braking.

I consider this level of fuel economy to be a excellent for a car like this.

Good to hear. So not far from 30 mpg for mixed city is probably the realistic number for the new NSX, which is pretty nice.
FYI, I got 29.3 MPG on my commute today. All Quiet mode, 90% freeway, but mix of steady ~70MPH and periods of slower traffic. Average MPH of 45. I was on a conference call the whole time, so no "fun" style driving at all. This would have been closer to 20-22 MPG in C7Z06, or about 15 MPG in my old E60 M5.
Glad to hear your getting your share of mixed driving - practical plus fun stuff. I like many others are happy for you in spite of also being somewhat jealous. Good to hear it is providing expected results on many fronts. To quote Nissan's Mr K ( Mr Z) and the catchy sales line in passed.Life is a journey,Enjoy the Ride.