Moving to Houston

13 June 2003
Houston TX
I have been offered a promotion at work that would bring me to Houston from Milwaukee. Provided my girlfriend is willing to move we will be coming down in June. One of the most important questions I had right away was how many months a year do I get to drive my car? It looks like I'll be going from 7 months a year to 12..........that is Awesome.

What should I know about Houston and how many fellow NSXers are there?
If you don't mind driving in the rain, then you pretty much can drive it the year round. I don't drive my NSX in the rain unless it can't be helped or it's a group drive, so that'll take 30-40% off the driving time, I reckon.

We got quite a lively group here and in general, whenever there's a get together, usually about 10-15 would show up. There're lots of NSX owners here in Houston, but unfortunately, not all know about Prime and also, not all would show up on get togethers.

Cheers .. Gus
Houston, and surrounding areas, is a very large place. You might have to decide if you want to live close to work. As with all large towns, there are better places to live.

If you do decide to move and wish for a personal tour of your work area and possible place to live, let us know and I'm sure we can help out and point you in the correct direction.
jjeray said:
Right now my agent is pointing me towards the Woodlands, what are your thoughts on that area?

Great area, as long as you are working out there. Otherwise, it is an hour or so drive to downtown every morning, or the other more popular areas of work.
I live out in the NW area. Been here for about 3 months and havent traveled anywhere past downtown yet. One of these days... :)

Although I dont have my nsx anymore, id still like to make it out to one of these events. I missed the last one. what a shame.
I live 8 miles South of the Woodlands in the Spring area.

You DO NOT want to live past exit 70 if you will have to drive on I45 North around 5:30pm. You do not want to live down RAYFORD/SAWDUST RD. as they are doing construction.

Getting from the Northside of Houston to the Woodlands is such a pain in the a(( as it backs up FOREVER and a day (and I am only 8 MILES away). I drive it once a week.

I would say if you are going to live on the Northside of Houston, look somewhere off Louetta, 2920, Spring Cypress etc. DO NOT live down 1960 West, which is also a royal pain.

Good luck, and feel free to PM with a location if you are not familiar with the area.

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