Moving from an s2000 to an NSX??

2 March 2011
I understand this topic has been covered a few times but was looking for a few owners to chime in.

Well im turning 26 this year and currently living in Toronto, Ontario. My s2000 has been my daily driver summer time only; (STI for the Winter), and i think it's time to get a new car.

I've owned my 05 s2000 for five years now and i love it to death, the high rpms, tranny feel and attetion to detail. I just find myself getting older and acquiring finer tastes.

I have always loved NSX since their debut in 91 but being a teenager i could never afford one or justify spending that much money on a vehicle before having a mortgage and finishing school. Well now moving into 2011 growing up a little NSX's are becoming readily available in the used car market for a fair price for the high quality product provided.

Well i love my s2000 soo much that i choose to drive it over the STI any day of the week. It's just that much harder and fun to drive plus top down is such a blast on beautiful days hence why ill be looking for a targa version of the NSX.

My brother is actually going to be purchasing my S2 (if i do make up my mind on the NSX). I just can't see myself giving away a car ive had soo much fun and put soo much time into. I love the S2000 because of its sleek looks, reliabilty and over all steering feel.

Now my budget is $30,000 to $35,000 and preferably looking for the newer motor NA2 3.2l w/6spd (97-01) Targa. I know it may take some time to find a model within my requirements but i think it would be worth the wait.

I've never had a chance to drive the NSX so i cant actually comment on how it drives but my main concerns are reliability and driveability. I commute to work every day about 20 KM's each way and thats about it maybe a few local stops here and there. I just want to know that i wont be digging myself a hole. Mainly because the car ill be purchasing may be older than 10 years which seems alot.

Basically my s2 has been very reliable and easy to maintain. Im aware of timing belt and water pump but too me that is normal maintenance and needs to be done to most cars.

Anyways if any of you have owned both cars have you regretted it? And any pointers you can give me in regards to looking for a clean car.

Thank you

I own an S2K AP1 that is a dedicated track car. I love it. Owning the S2000, which was my first Honda, got me more interested in the NSX. The AP1 motor is a marvel, revving to 9000 rpm and making 120 bhp/liter. I know Honda/Acura put the same great engineering into the NSX. That's why I'm looking for an affordable NSX, besides the fact that I have always liked it.
if you are serious about the nsx the toronto nsxca chapter is very strong,you should check in the canada forum and try to make one of thier spring gatherings to see if the nsx would be a good fit.Good luck.
I came from a DC5 to an AP1, and now to my current NA1, but now I want an AP2 as a DD. You may want to keep your S2000 and save up for an NSX. Take your time and good luck! :cool:
I have a 1996 NSX (with many mods incl CTSC) and a 2000 S2K with a nice exhaust mod.

I absolutely love my NSX and if I had to sell one the NSX would stay, but I enjoy the overall living with, and street driving experience of the S2K more.

It's a fun car and the easy top up and down feature is what seals it for me.

Get in, top down and listen to the exhaust feel the wind. Stop at the store, shop, come back, no one's fussing with it when you return. Drop your bags and the top and wheeeeee, off you go again exhaust singing.

Having a powerful car that can break the speed limit and hit 100 mph in
a few seconds has lost it's appeal to me. I want fun, a great connection to the car and driving sensations at legal or at least closer:biggrin: to legal speeds. 5-10 over not 40 -60 over!:eek:
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Currently own 04 S2000 and a 92 NSX.... I LOVE IT!!!
The S is my daily driver. IMO, it feels and rides like a sportier car. The X of course is the mothership and it feels like a luxury exotic sports car. There are days where I would just drive the X and then there are days it would just be the S...I try to mix and match it... I would keep the S and get rid of the other car.....and find yourself a good X. It helps if the car has all the maintenance log, etc.....I got lucky, the previous owner is a friend of mine....the previous owner before him was a friend of his...It got pampered and passed on....

Again, if you are in a position to keep the S and buy the X, more power to you. You won't regret it.
Rsxiness03, Im a member of the NSXCA. If you would like to talk about your purchase feel free to message me and if you want we can grab a coffee and discuss. two years ago this week I was in the same situation as you. I met up with bram, a club member and found that to be the best experience.

Let me know.