Scammers are using compromised Prime member accounts to pose as a trusted seller in the marketplace. Before you enter into a deal with any seller, follow these tips to keep yourself safe. If you encounter one of these scammers, please report them immediately and we will lock their account.

    Caveat Emptor!

Moved from another thread: Disagreement re:third party sale of new parts from Tamoske

20 September 2005
Lisbon, Portugal

Would love to buy a dd unit.

i started a thread where i tried to help tamoske sell parts, through me, so he could raise money to do the consoles that he owe to primers, but i got flammed hardly ... curious enough, i was ONLY flammed by primers that HAVE NOTHING to do with the GBs, and that are NOT loosing either money or parts... i guess as they as nothing to loose, it's easier for them to flame...go figure...

so... anyone that wants a part, which would help, can PM me...

Re: Follow up on Tamoske parts to be raffled out by 'ANYTIME'

i started a thread where i tried to help tamoske sell parts, through me, so he could raise money to do the consoles that he owe to primers, but i got flammed hardly ... curious enough, i was ONLY flammed by primers that HAVE NOTHING to do with the GBs, and that are NOT loosing either money or parts... i guess as they as nothing to loose, it's easier for them to flame...go figure...

so... anyone that wants a part, which would help, can PM me...


I wouldn't say you were "flamed", but I would admit that you were questioned about selling parts on behalf of Tamoske after he has stolen many thousands of dollars from the community already. This was also being done at a time that he was able to market his junk on Lambo and Ferrari sites as well.

You were also asked about warranties that you would be giving as his distributor as well as insurance in the event of products liability claims but you chose not to disclose any of that.

I am still surprised that you would attempt to be a front man for a thief by again suggesting that people PM you so you can broker a deal between our members and Tamoske.

And if you consider this flaming, then get the nomex ready because I am not going to sit by quietly while you try to help Tamoske sell his crap without guaranteeing that people who have been ripped off will get repaid.

It is total and utter b.s. that he needs to sell more to pay people back.
Re: Follow up on Tamoske parts to be raffled out by 'ANYTIME'


man, what is frustrating to me is that i see that you don't understand my point (i say you because you are the more vocal primer about it), no matter how i explain it... i know that english is not my first language, but i think that i'm not that bad at it either.

Let me try it:

I wouldn't say you were "flamed", but I would admit that you were questioned about selling parts on behalf of Tamoske after he has stolen many thousands of dollars from the community already. This was also being done at a time that he was able to market his junk on Lambo and Ferrari sites as well.

I felt flammed, and frustrated... that was why i asked Lud to delete the entire thread in such a short time (hours).

I felt flammed because everyone BUT the primers involved in the GB started to call me names...calling names to Tamoske is more than understandable, he have done things to deserve it, but me?!

I felt frustrated mainly because my Top Priority was to find a way of every GB Primer get their payed stuff... but to get there, something has to be done until then, which is to give him the chance to do it, which clearly he can't do alone.

What seems obvious is that without a help, everything stays as it is: GB Primers without money and without parts.

I know that it is hard for a community that was shafted by a guy, help that same guy doing the right thing... it feels bad, but it is also necessary to try to revert this.

You were also asked about warranties that you would be giving as his distributor as well as insurance in the event of products liability claims but you chose not to disclose any of that.

i didn't choose that... the thread ended before that... it was fast and i didn't answer everything you asked... and the frustration talked higher and i just wanted to end that.

And i didn't consider myself as a distributor of his parts... i was playing with all cards on the table... everyone knew everything before anything was done... i thought of my self as a way Primers getting his parts safely, with no risks, nothing else.

But what i can say, and was a DEMAND from Lud, was that i HAD to have the parts in my hands, inspect it's quality and only after that should the buyer pay me the rest of the price (over the deposit). If quality wasn't good, the deposit would be refunded. So, no one would get hurt here but possible me... and that was a risk i was willing to take ... it was my side of the work...

I am still surprised that you would attempt to be a front man for a thief by again suggesting that people PM you so you can broker a deal between our members and Tamoske.

You are surprised, probably because isn't all that important to you that the shafted GB Primers can't get either the money or the parts...

Call me stupid, call me crazy, but it makes me sad to see people shafted...probably because i was also shafted and don't like the feeling...i know how is to be in those shoes....

And if you consider this flaming, then get the nomex ready because I am not going to sit by quietly while you try to help Tamoske sell his crap without guaranteeing that people who have been ripped off will get repaid.

It don't matter to me if you sit quietly or make a lot of noise...
I don't mind talking with you or anyone else about it, as long as it's respectfull...

but you still don't get it: I'm not trying to Help Tamoske.... the main thing here is that I'M TRYING TO HELP GB PRIMERS... and helping Tamoske is just the way to do it.... simple.

It is total and utter b.s. that he needs to sell more to pay people back.
Understand that the FACT is: Tamoske don't have money, and with no money, there is no parts to shafted GB primers...simple...

I'm not at lost here, but i'm trying to help who is... if Primers don't help me helping them.... i will stay as i am: NO LOST.... and the GBs Primers will stay as they are: AT LOST (parts or money).

Did i explain my point good enough??

Re: Follow up on Tamoske parts to be raffled out by 'ANYTIME'


i forgot to add:

This was also being done at a time that he was able to market his junk on Lambo and Ferrari sites as well.

i answer this quoting John (ANYTIME):

Just so you guys are aware, the consoles/plates are of very nice quality.

so... if John is not being sarcastic, this answer your "junk" remark and part of warranty issues, quality wise, because fitment i had to install myself to be sure of it.

Re: Follow up on Tamoske parts to be raffled out by 'ANYTIME'

I understand your English fine - - - it's your rationale I don't follow.

Previously I proved he was a liar many times over by using his photos to establish time lines as well as show he had fake/forged documents. Additionally, while he was crying poverty he was placing an order with a reputable vendor here for thousands of dollars of wheels and was buying up parts for his NSX which he claimed he had sold.

He is an unabashed liar, thief and con artist who apparently has found someone else to trick, in this case you, to help sell his stuff. If he intended to return the money to the community members from whom he stole then why not authorize you to keep the money from the sales you are trying to make and refund those funds to the people he owes?

You may think you are doing good for the community but you appear to have blinders on to the fact that he is using you to continue his fraudulent practices since he does not need to make more sales to make good on his long overdue products.

Do you forget how I tricked him into "selling" to me all of the items he owed and claimed he could not produce because he was out of money? I obtained all his banking information for use with Interpol if anyone wanted to chase their money and pretended to be an interested buyer while proving that he had all the items necessary to satisfy the group buy but he tried to sell them to "me" instead.

Once again, he is a con artist and a thief and you are his latest enabler.
Re: Follow up on Tamoske parts to be raffled out by 'ANYTIME'


I understand your English fine
at least something is right :tongue:

- - - it's your rationale I don't follow.
it's that hard to understand that i only want to make possible for the owners and parts to meet up?? Even if the means to do it are not the most normal ones?? with this, obviously i'm not saying that crimes such as robberys and stuff are ok.... the process always had to be a good one, with no problems...

Previously I proved he was a liar many times over by using his photos to establish time lines as well as show he had fake/forged documents.
i read every post on all that big soap opera... i'm aware of his lies, and i talked about it with him... he knows and recons that he made a lot of bad things in the past.

Additionally, while he was crying poverty he was placing an order with a reputable vendor here for thousands of dollars of wheels and was buying up parts for his NSX which he claimed he had sold.
did that order go through?? i mean... i can order a Veyron, it doesn't mean i'm going to the very end.... at least me, i don't buy what i can't pay...

He is an unabashed liar, thief and con artist who apparently has found someone else to trick, in this case you, to help sell his stuff. If he intended to return the money to the community members from whom he stole then why not authorize you to keep the money from the sales you are trying to make and refund those funds to the people he owes?
Trick me?? you just don't get the point, do you?... No one makes me do what i don't want to...here, his need to sell parts gets together with my willing to help Primers...that's all.... no crazy hidden business, or second intents...i know it's hard for you to believe that someone (ME) is in all this without any profits/favors/winnings.

a CASH refund is harder for him to do than just produce the parts... because in the GB he had a profit margin... imagine a console of $400 only costs him $300 to produce...it's easier for him (and faster) to spend $300 building it than $400 refunding it, no??

I have a idea of his production costs, i do know that they are below his sales prices... and his commitment to me is to use a big chunk of the profit on producing the parts he owes... simple...

You may think you are doing good for the community but you appear to have blinders on to the fact that he is using you to continue his fraudulent practices since he does not need to make more sales to make good on his long overdue products.
I'm blind?! i think you are the short sighted here... as you can't see beside 1 week time or something...please... if he had money, all this wasn't a problem... by saying that he is using me to continue is fraudulent practices are you calling me a lier or a thief?? i seriously hope not... as i WOULD NEVER hurt anyone.... i prefer to loose money myself than having someone thinking i'm some kind of thief... one thing i'm proud of is that with 35 years old, there is no one that can say the tyniest bad thing about me...sometimes i can be slow doing things...but i'm a man of my word....ALWAYS.

Do you forget how I tricked him into "selling" to me all of the items he owed and claimed he could not produce because he was out of money? I obtained all his banking information for use with Interpol if anyone wanted to chase their money and pretended to be an interested buyer while proving that he had all the items necessary to satisfy the group buy but he tried to sell them to "me" instead.
and since you had all that trouble....why didn't you go through with it?

i'm not a follower of the a thief that robs a thief it's a great guy... just because a guy robs something, it doesn't make right if i rob him after... that's shady, even if by a justified cause... i always play clearly...

what i find amazing is that were some guys that USED the initial Tamoske disaster on their own benefit... USED Tamoske's bad reputation to justify shady practices.... no one played in the open... that for me is as bad as what he did... bad is bad... there is no smaller bad....

Once again, he is a con artist and a thief and you are his latest enabler.
Sincerely... you are doing everything you can so you can't eat up your own words in the future... i would love to see that happen... and maybe it will happen, despite all your efforts against it...

In this thread there is a precise list of what he owes and to whom he owes... what would you say if he sent me a couple of consoles to give to GB primers?? i think you would prefer to see it as a ticket to future robbery rather than some gesture to prove that he wants to right himself... right??

a quick question: is NSX Prime a World community or an American Community??

Last edited:
Re: Moved from another thread: Disagreement third party sale of new parts from Tamosk

This disagreement had nothing to do with the topic of the other thread so I moved it to it's own discussion to keep the other thread clear for people trying to coordinate and get updates on the status of the parts that are supposed to be distributed.
Re: Moved from another thread: Disagreement third party sale of new parts from Tamosk


Lud...you are right...the other thread is for that part distribution only... sorry for letting it go deep off topic

DISCLAIMER: I would only do this (sell Tamoske parts in my name) until the GB is finished properly...after this, he would be on his own.... my intention is helping Primers get what they payed for a long time ago, nothing else....

But no matter how good my intentions are, there will be always people flamming and complaining, even if they aren't at lost here... i would appreciatte some input of all primers involved in the GBs ... in fact, that input is the most important one for me....

Re: Follow up on Tamoske parts to be raffled out by 'ANYTIME'

did that order go through?? i mean... i can order a Veyron, it doesn't mean i'm going to the very end.... at least me, i don't buy what i can't pay...

Yes, he did purchase the wheels at a cost of several thousand dollars when he claimed he had no money to complete production on the group buy.

Trick me?? you just don't get the point, do you?... No one makes me do what i don't want to...here, his need to sell parts gets together with my willing to help Primers...that's all.... no crazy hidden business, or second intents...i know it's hard for you to believe that someone (ME) is in all this without any profits/favors/winnings.

He is "playing you" because of your willingness to step up to the plate and help the community. Your motives are worthy but he is taking advantage of them, just as he tried with others similarly motivated before you.

a CASH refund is harder for him to do than just produce the parts... because in the GB he had a profit margin... imagine a console of $400 only costs him $300 to produce...it's easier for him (and faster) to spend $300 building it than $400 refunding it, no??

It was very easy for him to spend thousands for a set of wheels and also purchase other parts for his NSX that he claimed he had sold. He also had multiple sales on Ebay under various identities where he made money but Ebay kept shutting down his account for non-payment of fees (more evidence he is a thief). At no time did he offer to use those funds to produce items for the group buy here. However, he did continue to fish on the Lambo, Audi and Ferrari forums to sell parts to them.

I'm blind?! i think you are the short sighted here... as you can't see beside 1 week time or something...please... if he had money, all this wasn't a problem... by saying that he is using me to continue is fraudulent practices are you calling me a lier or a thief?? i seriously hope not... as i WOULD NEVER hurt anyone.... i prefer to loose money myself than having someone thinking i'm some kind of thief... one thing i'm proud of is that with 35 years old, there is no one that can say the tyniest bad thing about me...sometimes i can be slow doing things...but i'm a man of my word....ALWAYS.

You may not be intentionally hurting anyone but your blind faith in an established thief and con artist that he "now wants to make amends" makes you unwittingly an enabler of his cons. Once again, your motives and goals may be laudable but con men take advantage of such good natured persons to assist them with their unscrupulous motives.

and since you had all that trouble....why didn't you go through with it?

i'm not a follower of the a thief that robs a thief it's a great guy... just because a guy robs something, it doesn't make right if i rob him after... that's shady, even if by a justified cause... i always play clearly...

I pretended to be a buyer to prove to persons such as yourself who still believed he wanted "to make things right" that he actually had all of the products he owed to the group buy members but lied when he said he needed money to be able to make them. I had no interest in buying anything or "robbing this thief". I just provided all those with their heads in the sand that he was, once again, lying. If all those products could have been shipped to me as a "buyer", then they could have been shipped to the group buy members.

In this thread there is a precise list of what he owes and to whom he owes... what would you say if he sent me a couple of consoles to give to GB primers?? i think you would prefer to see it as a ticket to future robbery rather than some gesture to prove that he wants to right himself... right??

I stand by my initial and ongoing assessment. If he sent you a couple of consoles, it would just be a fake gesture to get more suckers to send money - - - either directly to him or through you.

Once a thief, always a thief.
Re: Follow up on Tamoske parts to be raffled out by 'ANYTIME'


i can easely agree with you on most of your points... but i'm still a believer... for me, Hope is the last thing to go....

i have a question for you though:

what's YOUR message to all GB primers?

Re: Follow up on Tamoske parts to be raffled out by 'ANYTIME'


i can easely agree with you on most of your points... but i'm still a believer... for me, Hope is the last thing to go....

i have a question for you though:

what's YOUR message to all GB primers?

The same thing I have been saying all along: you got conned and should have known better than to pay 100% up front to a lithuanian "vendor" who did not even have any parts in stock when he took the orders.

Yes, it's tough love but I am a New Yorker and have a lifetime of experiences to be able to tell when something doesn't pass "the sniff test".

That is why I authored this to try to help others overcome their naivete.

I feel bad for those who had their funds stolen but there is no way I will ever agree that more funds should be sent to a thief and con artist under the guise of trying to make those victims whole again.

Empathize with the existing pool of victims. Don't enlarge that pool by adding new ones.
Re: Follow up on Tamoske parts to be raffled out by 'ANYTIME'


The same thing I have been saying all along: you got conned and should have known better than to pay 100% up front to a lithuanian "vendor" who did not even have any parts in stock when he took the orders.
it's easy to say that AFTER.

Yes, it's tough love but I am a New Yorker and have a lifetime of experiences to be able to tell when something doesn't pass "the sniff test".

That is why I authored this to try to help others overcome their naivete.
I was expecting that you brought that into the discussion... there are 2 points, at least for me, that shouldn't be there:
If after due diligence you are comfortable with attempting a transaction, keep in mind the potential problems with resolving disputes such as in the following examples:
1. The vendor/seller may be in a foreign country not subject to the jurisdiction of American courts."
i think that this is a poor excuse to exclude non-US guys... i mean... even if bad vendors/sellers are US based, you guys seem not to be able/willing to sue them, why bring it against non-US guys?!


“Red Flags” to be mindful of when considering a transaction:
1. Foreign vendor/seller
again, i think this is completly out of place... as the vast majority of Primers are from US, also the majority of scammers are from US...

with all this "foreign" references in YOUR "caveat emptor", i may think that either the NSX Prime is almost US exclusive (at least it seems it's your wish) or YOU have a problem with non US guys, when clearly you already have a lot to deal locally...

i think that those 2 points should be reviewed as they are not appropriate to a world wide community, IMO.

I feel bad for those who had their funds stolen but there is no way I will ever agree that more funds should be sent to a thief and con artist under the guise of trying to make those victims whole again.
i understood that already... for you it's clearly preferable that those guys keep their loss only to not send any money to the thief/con THAN any way that give the possibility to get their parts...

i think that if you were one of them, you would try to get your things back... you talk about Tamoske, but i find equally easy for you to play with other guy's money, preventing by all means that they don't get what they payed for, ONLY so that you can say that you are right.

Empathize with the existing pool of victims. Don't enlarge that pool by adding new ones.
man... i start to think that it's more your perception that is bad than my english... as i said a lot of times, the pool of victims would never be enlarged if i'm involved...i thought that was already clear...

it seems that you overlook everything that goes against your points, probably so that you don't realize that you can be wrong.... and as i have faith in humans, i think it's a matter of time until you see that you were wrong... i can also be the one who is wrong... only time will tell :wink:

i still would like to know what primers involved in the GBs think about all this...if you guys don't want to post here, at least PM me your thoughts...i always will respect your privacy...
