Mount Palomar Drive

Amazing drive! Great to see so many old friends and make new ones. Thank you all!
Thanks everyone for organizing this great drive; 'Mt Palomar', one of my favorite destinations on Sunday mornings. It was great meeting up with new folks and seeing old friends again.

Here are a few pics I took:




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It was a great day. Getting a little lost is just part of these drives. But it does give you a little chance to explore another future route! A couple of shout outs;

LMR - you know him and love him as Les. He and his wife are the driving force behind many of the drives and events we do in SoCal. Thanks for your support.

FuryNSX - Thanks Randy for the route and leading us up to Palomar from Pala and then to Julian. I'm glad I stuck to my guns and we could do this drive.

Track Addict - With out that beautiful canvas I would not have been able to create my artwork on your bumper.

To the rest of SoCal Prime Nation - you are the best. Because you participate and love what we do, we continue to do it.

I'm sure we will be running across each other over the net month or so but if not, enjoy your holidays. Roll safe and look for even more fun in 2013. The planning for something special has already begun.
Thanks everyone for organizing this great drive; 'Mt Palomar', one of my favorite destinations on Sunday mornings. It was great meeting up with new folks and seeing old friends again.

Here are a few pics I took:

^Great photos! Thank you for posting them.
Thank you JC, Les, and Randy for organizing these drives.
Don't forget the sweepers and lead drivers to help split the groups up and maintain the flow.

If it weren't for organizers, photographers and everyone involved, there's no other way of making the NSX ownership this much fun.:biggrin:

This drive was very smooth and even mellow on some areas-I love it!!!

Meeting up with the San Diego members.

Cooling down at the Palomar Observatory after the winding roads.

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Wow nice drive. Would like to be alerted the next time you guys do something I might try to make it.

Les and I post these drives in the SoCal section here on Prime and also in the SoCal Calendar on Prime. If any other Primer would like to link these to Facebook, have at. Les and I are just too busy for that nonsense. We normally give two to three weeks notice.
Thanks to Les and JC for putting this drive together. You guys couldn't have picked a more beautiful day. While SoCal was baking down at sea level, we were up in the mountains enjoying great weather. :D

Sorry for the initial wrong right turn on the way to Palomar. Hopefully it didn't inconvenience too many of you. After that point, I'm hoping you were all able to enjoy the drive up and down Palomar Mountain mountain, as well as Mesa Grande. Those are some great roads we have there. :)

Here are my pics. Sorry for the delay. My webhost is turning to a real piece of sh*t lately, and its servers have been down since the weekend. Looks like I'm going to need to find a new host. In the meantime, I've posted them in the Prime user gallery. Here are some decent ones. :)


San Diego group on the way up to Pala...









You may have noticed that there were two (at least) photographers shooting on the South Grade of Mount Palomar. If you go to their websites you will find pictures of some of our cars:!i=2197806308&k=mDVFVw6


Photos apparently are available for purchase as well as downloads :smile:
OMG! The NSXs were okay but did you look at the motorcycles? Some of those guys are incredible!

BTW, working on my photos. Have half done.
It's the last...... Unless I need to have them buff the deck lid. It looks like they washed it and didn't wipe off the trunk lid and now I got water spots I can't get off. Tried quick detailer, magic clay, and scratch x. Not to jack the thread but any other ideas?

vinegar will do the trick. wet car on a cool day, place damp towel over area and pour on the vinegar, wait 5-10 minutes.
brought a driver for the mirror but it was the wrong time ;)

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what a great drive, great people! i hope the weather stays nice like this thru december so we can do this again soon. i'm glad we were able to hit some moments on the drive where it got intense and yet not too crazy for the most part :biggrin:

thanks jc, les, randy and whomever else who supported this drive. paul, i didn't realize you had camera's?? this is awesome, thanks for not leaving me behind! :tongue:

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"brought a driver for the mirror but it was the wrong time"

Did you think about just turning the inside mirror to create a smaller profile....then using the outside mirrors ? ? ? ? ?
This batch of photos is all from the first meet up point at the 5 freeway and Ortega Highway.










^Ready to leave meet up point at the 5 freeway on Ortega Highway.
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