MotorAuthority Kudos for NSX

LOL look at that thing leaning around every corner by way of those spaghetti bars. He thinks the steering is communicative, he should try the car with a real steering wheel.
LOL look at that thing leaning around every corner by way of those spaghetti bars. He thinks the steering is communicative, he should try the car with a real steering wheel.

As a fan of Nardi, Momo Et Al I agree with you. But the NSX even with the flimsy factory Acura wheel is pretty damn good in terms of road feel. Especially when coming from boring electric power steering cars.

I personally think the Acura diaper bag is sorely lacking in rim diameter, but it still feels awesome in comparison to other cars.
Yeah the steering is outstanding on this car. But it is heavily lost and damped with the oem airbag wheel. When I changed wheels I could not BELIEVE the difference. It is lotus precise now.
nice video... but did he need to say "vtec kicked in YO" lol

I agree. I wouldn't want him representing my product. Very unprofessional.

My thoughts exactly.

Guys, he was joking. He was referencing this 13 year old but still funny picture someone made of Johnny Tran from TF&TF. Other than that, the car sounded great and he could not say enough nice things. He is right about the 6 speed as it is in a class of its own.

Vtec Yo.jpg