Motor Trend - 13 Automotive Game-Changers

Hey, I've got two cars on the list: the NSX and my beloved Miata! And I had classic Mustangs! I'm an automobile savant!

Then I see that the Chrysler minivans, the driverless car, and the Kia Optima are on the list, and my bubble bursts.:frown:
Looks like towards the end of the list they had to pay homage to their more recent sponsors. Kia Optima??? Really??
The title says "game changers", not "ultimate driver's cars", not "most beautiful".
The Dodge/Plymoth/Chrisler minivans set a new bar for space-efficiency and big-family-friendliness while giving the driver the same commanding view as in an SUV. Minivans deserve better than the "soccor mom" image they have acquired. I had a Toyota mini before the pentastar minis came along. It was great. Wierd but great.

Hyundai out-Japanesed the Japanese by offering more content for fewer bucks. But then Kia came along and out-Hyundai'ed Hyundai. Don't believe it? Go down to your local Kia dealer and test drive a new Optima. Then take the sticker price and equipment list over to the local Toyota and Honda dealers. You might be surprised.