most miles traveled on full tank

I've gotten well over 400 on a full tank. That's because a good portion of my trip was in Rain. I think the friggen cloud followed me all the way back home, so I kept the speed relatively low at around 55mph. The Gas light came on right around where the rain let off, letting me pull off for a refill and a tinkle :tongue:
Drove to Atlanta from Knoxville several months ago at 95mph-105mph
the whole way, and averaged 28.5 mpg. I was really impressed. :biggrin:

My average, mixed highway/city (usually) with some extreme accelerations have averaged about 24 mpg.

Don't know of any other car of this nature that can do what an NSX can do, and still get this kind of gas mileage! My '69 E -Type Jag only gets around
19 mpg...and that's on a good day.
Last week, after switching to Shell V-Power gas, I got the best mileage I ever have. I put 527.7 miles on a tank of gas, and got about 30 mpg. The car was low enough on fuel that is sputtered going up the exit ramp....but we made it! :biggrin:
Originally Posted by mskrotzki
Driving from Denver to Lake Ontario in New York State, I got one tank to take me 514 miles -- Put in 17.8 gallons after that. This was across Kansas and Missouri. I was almostly exclusively on two lane highways, and on this leg I only wound out third gear a dozen or so times -- 115+ mph. (You have to be really sure you are well past the car you are over taking!) Otherwise I was traveling about 65 - 80 quite steadily in 5th gear.

This was in very late June -- and there was a not inconsiderable tail wind. Also note that I probably dropped 1500 feet of elevation -- although that was probably not a factor worth a hoot.

Several times I have gotten just over 30 mpg. Note that I walk to work and my only driving is highway.

Quote 2
Am I the winner here. Has anyone else exceeded 500 Miles? Do I win a prize?

Well -- I guess I have to give up the prize nobody ever gave me :rolleyes: , beet me by 13.7 miles! Are we the only two to have broken 500 miles? (Hell, some of these guys don't drive 500 miles in a year!)

How many gallons did it take to fill it up?

Thinking of a trip on up the PCH late this summer or early this fall. 530 miles of bust. This is war! :biggrin:
...Quote 2
Am I the winner here. Has anyone else exceeded 500 Miles? Do I win a prize?

Well -- I guess I have to give up the prize nobody ever gave me :rolleyes: , beet me by 13.7 miles! Are we the only two to have broken 500 miles? (Hell, some of these guys don't drive 500 miles in a year!)

How many gallons did it take to fill it up?

Thinking of a trip on up the PCH late this summer or early this fall. 530 miles of bust. This is war! :biggrin:

HAHA!! I put in about 17.721 gallons of gas if I remember correctly (I kept the receipt in the glove box to mark the occasion). I almost stopped for gas at 500....they got excited at 515 miles....felt invincible at 525 miles....sputtered for gas at 526 miles....prayed for a while to not run out at 526.1 miles....and finally felt relief pulling in to the Shell station with 527.7 miles. :biggrin:

I want to get over the 535 mile mark, and think I can do it if I drive conservatively.
Highest miles before fill-up was 453 miles with a 16.8 gallon fill-up.

Best ever fuel economy for 400+ miles before filling up is 29.1 mpg.

Largest fill-up was 17.5 gallons.

I went 404 miles before my last fill-up (16.4 gallons). I average 278.1 miles before each fill-up.

I got similar results.