Mosport Lapping/Performance School May 19th

13 April 2006
Kensai Racing

Mosport Lapping day Monday May 19th, 2008.

Performance School by Aaron Povoledo.

Read below for full details.

The structure is simple, an Intermediate Group and an Advance Group. We are limited to 30 per groups. Each group in on track alternatively for 25 minutes. There is a 5 minutes separation between groups for vehicles recovery. Passing Signals are mandatory for all groups. Pass Zones for Intermediate are front straight, back straight and between corner 3 and 4. Passing is allow anywhere in the Advance Group. When passing signals are given and respected, passing in a corner can be done safely.

$300 pre registered
$350 at the gate
Performance Driving school additional $175 (mandatory for 1st time drivers to Mosport or Kensai Lapping programs)

For the past 6 years the Kensai Racing, partnered with Aaron Povoledo have hosted lapping events at Mosport International Raceway.

Drawing on the vast experience of Povoledo’s professional racing and race coaching background, as well as Kensai’s engineering and set up knowledge, they have teamed up to bring the Mosport lapping day experience to a new level.

Starting this May they will offer a complete driver coaching and car tuning consultancy service which will include:

Brief Classroom covering - corner theory, vehicle dynamics – weight transfer.
Track tour, with detailed racing line explanation.
Low speed lead follow exercise to learn line and review balance basics.
Corner spotting for each session (Povoledo will watch from each corner to make notes on each driver)
Detailed debriefing after each session with goal setting to do list for the next session.
Vehicle testing / set up work. Povoledo will be available to test customer cars, and together with Kensai Racing expertise, advise on set up changes to enhance your cars performance.
Cost $175.00
Day to start 1 hour early, 7:30am.
Students must register 24 hours min - before the day of the event.

For registration or more info about the performance school, please email me at [email protected] or call me at 905-470-9000.

Kensai Racing
Anyone plans to attend this on their way back from Gananoque?? Just curious? Bio? RED?

These days are GREAT - Harvey, my friend and co-organizer of the events for years and Alan (with Aaron) put on a well organized, laid back, day.


This is not a beginner day, its Advanced and Intermediate and certainly not on the DDT, but on the GP Track and not a good day for your first GP track day - for that I'd recommend the BMW School in June (I'll be there instructing as per usual and Paul Carroll will be whizzing around in his Black NSX in the Advanced Group, as per usual)

On the Monday we have Derek Hanson Speaking in the Morning and I'd expect we'll have lunch before hitting the road, which precludes Kensai 100% since it will be almost over by the time we arrive.

If people are interested in going for a ride on the track contact Dave and or I and we'll give you days we're out and you can come along to ride for most of them - Dave's out tomorrow (Thursday) but I'm still waiting to get my engine done, so my next day is Ferrari Club on Tuesday.