Mosler MT900 Test Drive Video: NSX chase car

very ugly rear end with the c5 taillights, overall not too bad looking of a car but not good looking either. the music in the first half is very crappy and not suited for this video at all.
very ugly rear end with the c5 taillights, overall not too bad looking of a car but not good looking either. the music in the first half is very crappy and not suited for this video at all.

You must be a miserable, unhappy person...ill pour a beer out for ya next time!

I couldnt think of what music to use. Im not crazy about the rear either but over all car looks great.
You must be a miserable, unhappy person...ill pour a beer out for ya next time!

I couldnt think of what music to use. Im not crazy about the rear either but over all car looks great.

Soulja boi tellum would of been the right music.
You must be a miserable, unhappy person...ill pour a beer out for ya next time!

I couldnt think of what music to use. Im not crazy about the rear either but over all car looks great.

i'm actually a very happy person but i normally don't smile to show it but thanks for your concern. but i'll gladly take that beer offer though. I was never a fan of the moslers, but this version does have a much better looking rear end than the older one,s but i'm really not a fan of the oval shaped C5 tail lamps. if they would have used the circular after burner tail lamps from a C6 it would've been perfect.

I was actually more interested in seeing your nsx to be honest with you. so take that as a compliment. :wink:
That thing looks insane. Looks like you had a great time.

How about no music!
i really liked the music on the second half of the video. why not just run that whole song through the whole video? or maybe during the cruising scene just leave the music out so we can hear both cars?
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There's an MT900 that shows up to a weekly car show here in Albuquerque. It's a HUGE car (wide and long), but it's beautiful in person.