more shocking evil of Saddam's regime revealed

27 November 2002
He said he was thrown into jail with 750 men, all with bloody stumps where their ears had been. “They called us Abu [Arabic for father] Earless,” recalls Razak, whose fiancee left him because of his disfigurement.

No one is sure how many men were mutilated during that particular spasm of terror, but from May 17 to 19, 1994, all the available surgeons worked shifts at all of Basra’s major hospitals, lopping off ears. (One doctor who refused was shot.)

"Kubba’s money insulated his family from mayhem, but it did not shield him from witnessing the almost casual slaughter of his people. Last week he recalled a 'scene that haunts me still.' Kubba was driving his Mercedes through Basra’s Saad Square when he came upon some 600 men who had been detained while police checked their IDs. According to Kubba, 'Chemical Ali' Hassan al-Majid, Saddam’s half brother and the tyrant of southern Iraq, stopped and inquired, 'No IDs? Just shoot them all.' Kubba watched as 'they shot over 600 people in front of me.'"

I kind of wish some of the anti-war nuts were witness to this stuff, and see if they still stuck to their anti-war stances.
Unbelievable that these kinds of inhumane crimes were happening in the 21st century. That was one evil mofo...
NeoNSX said:
:eek: That's for real??? It's hard to imagine that's for real...

Believe it...and this stuff is just the tip of the ice berg. As long as the idiots at Columbia Univ. or some of the other leftist elite are not writing the history books, Saddam is going to be in with some of the most brutal regimes in the last 500 years.