More power?

Hennessey does not have the best reputation. There have been dozens of negative articles written about him over the years. A frequently reoccurring allegation is that he takes parts off of customer's cars without their permission and either sells them or installs them on another customer's car! The repeating contradictory stories about him where some customers claim they were ripped off while others love him reminds me of Mark Johnson @ Dali Racing. I would not trust sending him a new $200,000 NSX to modify.
Hennessey does not have the best reputation. There have been dozens of negative articles written about him over the years. A frequently reoccurring allegation is that he takes parts off of customer's cars without their permission and either sells them or installs them on another customer's car! The repeating contradictory stories about him where some customers claim they were ripped off while others love him reminds me of Mark Johnson @ Dali Racing. I would not trust sending him a new $200,000 NSX to modify.

I have heard these stories for YEARS...I am sure that his fame and popularity/success are double edged swords (lovers and haters). People vote with their hard earned $s and his growth suggests that he has more favorable feedback than unfavorable. My dyno suggested that he was "optimistic" with the hp gains but I love the car (especially the exhaust note) and can tell you that he has talked with me about the NSX I purchased and he has always shot straight with me.