More Las Vegas car and fun

18 January 2004
for whatever reason, the off topic area is strangely addictive.
to add to the shenanigans that some of us had in Las Vegas, i'll add another picture post.
i saw this sweet ride (GT3 I think... any other p-philes care to comment) parked on the 5th floor of the Venecian. Notice the handicap hanger.
upon admiring it, I saw this attached note. i didn't even have to turn it over to understand what it said, and rest assured, it said what we think it would say.
i don't think this guy read "the code of ethics for an exotic owner" that's posted in the FAQ.

Hope it brings you some :) :) :) :) :) s



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:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


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ROFLOL. That was great. I get tired of the morons who use a handicap sticker and have no real handicap. :mad:
Maybe he has a handicap with short term memory. Maybe he can't remember where he parked if he parks anywhere else =P

Or he might have severe joint problems that become evident with walking long distances =P

Just a few possiblities but most likely its BS and that note is GREAT! :D
I have two buddies, both on the opposite side of the spectrum regarding this issue. One guy lost his leg due to cancer while in high school. He wouldn't take a winning lottery ticket as a bribe to get him to use a handicap space. On the other hand, I know another guy, an ex-super athlete that only knows how to complain about how bad his knees are because of football, etc. He goes out of his way to find a handicap spot. Makes me ill.

I have also always thought that mothers with infants are far more deserving of a parking space close to a store most times, based on real world observations. Some of the local stores just started reserving spots for moms with infants.

Man, that P-owner may not have much brains, but he definitely has some balls. I would be paranoid about being keyed (or worse) for abusing the handicap spaces!

I would love to meet the person that left that note!
