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The ongoing interior hoo hah is confounding to me.

The interior has as much stitched leather and alcantara as anything in it's class.

The top of the dash is mush like a McLaren P1 (a bunch of curvy leather forms instead of a single linear leather panel)

The use of aluminum sculpture rarely get's credit.

The Acura look and feel HVAC is super intuitive to use

My understanding is that the paddles are aluminum and the interior door release is painted metal.

Yes, the panel around the window switches is plastic.

But I also believe that the inside of the interior aluminum door pull is leather (nice touch).

Back to the Jalopnik narrative, I believe the reviewer hit on an important point.

"It’s designed to allow its operator to engage the greatest amount of its performance potential with as little difficulty as possible."

For example, this morning when entering the highway, there was an SUV entering ahead of me, and and 18 wheeler that was already on the highway ahead of him. I just punched it, blew past the SUV and 18 wheeler and merged into a nice clear patch of highway as easy as can be.
The interior is fine, just not as notable as other features of the car. It is more of a "neutral" factor than a negative. I have no problem with the looks of it. I would like more seat adjustability and a volume knob. Otherwise, it's fine.

In retrospect, perhaps Acura should have allowed deviated stitching, two-tone gauges, yellow/red seat belts and more carbon fiber surfaces (not my thing). Non-substantive changes that would perhaps put this whole topic to bed.

Finally, most of the "way better looking" interiors that critics point to are the result of many thousands of dollars of options. These same critics complain that NSX is too expensive.
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The ongoing interior hoo hah is confounding to me.

It has a functional interior that feels like it was put together by engineers rather than artists. That is fine because this is a car from engineers that you will use more than look at. It is tough though because the small things just aren't quite there and given the $$$ you are dropping that is sort of bothersome. Perhaps I just underestimate quite how expensive it is to dot all those i's and cross all those t's, but it really feels like some corners were cut in the name of cost.

Incidentally, I feel the exact same way about the original NSX. Great car - cheap interior. In its defense though, it certainly is a DURABLE interior!
Ah, the interior topic again.

FWIW, I believe the interior you get today is as a result of value engineering. It's a fancy phrase the executives use to reduce costs. If you saw the prototype interior pics... The original interior in the concept car was rather on-point!
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Somebody f'd up when laying the carbon in the rear. The center is way off.
I am stumped at what a base 488 or Huracan or 570S or R8 interior offers that is "costlier".

The only real cheapo item inside the NSX is the sun visor.

Sure, you can add goodies to your heart's desire but at a severe price.