moisture in trunk

26 June 2006
i have a 92 nsx and i am getting moisture in the trunck, not from the trunck leaking, but the trunck sweating. any suggestions? joe
Re: moisture in trunck

I believe the problem is from a bad tail lamp gasket or as Zennex says above but it can also be caused by putting a damp item in the trunk.

The heat from the exhaust/muffler under the trunk floor can dry out the item casing the moisture to precipitate on the inside of the trunk.
If you use towels or something similar to dry your car at the car wash and put them in the trunk after, try placing them in a sealed container or a large zip-lock bag to prevent them from causing this problem.

In addition, take car after washing your car to make sure you don't allow water to drip off outer perimeter of the trunk into the compartment or to travel to the underside of the trunk beyond where the aperture gasket meets the lid. Wipe off and dry the underside of the trunk when you open it after washing.

It's a small trunk and gets so warm that any dampness or water dries quickly from the heat and if it can't vent fast enough its going to gather wherever it is cool enough to condense.

This can also cause moisture in the tail lamps as well.
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Re: moisture in trunck

I had same problem and found the tail lights was leaking.
Replaced new lights with new gasket and solved.


PS : Meantime try putting in some wood charcoal in yr trunk to reduce the moisture and damp smell.
Re: moisture in trunck

The problem is usually the taillight gasket. Water gets in around the top of the taillight perimeter from rain or washing the car and can't get out. The water condenses out onto the underside of the trunk lid from engine heat but can't escape the enclosed trunk, so it stays in the trunk and the cycle repeats. Replace the taillight gasket to prevent new moisture from entering, then leave your trunk open and let it dry out very thoroughly over several days in the garage or let it air out in the sun on a very hot day to purge the moisture that is already in there. The problem should then be solved.

As mentioned above, this can also cause moisture to condense inside the taillights themselves.
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Re: moisture in trunck

It is easy to determine if it is the tail lamp gasket.

1)Remove the rear interior trim/lining that conceals the tail amps.

2) With a gentle stream form a garden hose allow the water to cascade over the lamps but keep it from going into the trunk.
After a few minutes if the gaskets are leaking you will see where when you peek over the rear panel and look with a flashlight.

Another way is to remove the liner(s) and give the inner panel walls a light dust coat of spray powder deodorant, close the trunk and then wash the car.(Don't put the liners in yet!:smile: )

When done with your wash and you open the trunk you should be able to see a trail in the powder if the water has came in somewhere.

It may come from the gasket material around the tail lamp studs too and they may need new caulk around those.

The methods above should help you discover is the leak(s) if they exist.
Re: moisture in trunck

When my trunk drain weepholes were blocked my trunk was very damp. Try opening your trunk and pour a cup or two of water in the area behind the struts and see if it drains.
Re: moisture in trunck

When my trunk drain weepholes were blocked my trunk was very damp. Try opening your trunk and pour a cup or two of water in the area behind the struts and see if it drains.

Are you saying they were blocked enough so that the water collected and raised up over the gutter and went over through the trunk opening gasket even when closed and pressed against the trunk?
Wow, I've never seen or heard of that before.
That gutter would hold a easy gallon of water and those holes look like they are a good 1/2" round each.
I'm surprised and I bet you were too.
What was in there that blocked them up? Did get to see or did you poke it down inside the panel?