Modifying an OEM engine cover?

16 June 2002
Has anybody tried to cut open the middle of the stock engine cover and put mesh grille or something like that in the opening. I thought about trying it but it looks like it would be a big hassle and with my luck odds are it would turn out pretty bad. Then I would be forced to buy a aftermarket one.

Hey, maybe that is not such a bad idea afterall!

one of the guys did a great job on his engine cover at the last NE poker rally i have pics email me for it i think his user id is passojo or something like that.
Originally posted by 92NSX:
Has anybody tried to cut open the middle of the stock engine cover and put mesh grille or something like that in the opening.

Now now Maurice, WE can't have the same looking car
It wasn't hard at all. There is a listing on how to do it on this site.It was very easy. I had mine done in a day. Painted and installed the next.
But I LOVE the look of your car Charles !!

Please, Please, Please can I do it too.

Remember, imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

Originally posted by jchin:

you can also contact qwksilver on this board. he's done it to his car and helped other area nsx's with theirs. peace

Does anyone have any pics they can post and an estimate of the costs and materials used?
Originally posted by matteni:
Does anyone have any pics they can post and an estimate of the costs and materials used?

Nick, these are included in the FAQ - you know, the section to which you posted the link above...
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
Nick, these are included in the FAQ - you know, the section to which you posted the link above...

Oh - I get it - he basically performs this "operation" from the FAQs. Sorry - I thought it was something different.

My face is red for sure!
You have a 1992 and my cover is for a NSX-T.
I have customized my NSX-T engine cover/Top storage so that it has a mesh and you can see the engine when the top is not stowed.
It functions exactly like the stock cover and I feel it would pass for OEM to the uninformed observer.
I can e-mail pics to anyone that would like them, give advice/direction etc. on this mod if you need/want. If you can tell me where I could post these on the web I will do so if there is interest.
For the standard coupe I believe there exists a set of instructions in the NSX Prime FAQ.
I have not created one for anyone else but would be willing to customize your cover and would charge on a time/materials basis if someone is interested.
Joe Lomoriello


[This message has been edited by pbassjo (edited 15 October 2002).]
Originally posted by pbassjo:
You have a 1992 and my cover is for a NSX-T.
I have customized my NSX-T engine cover/Top storage so that it has a mesh and you can see the engine when the top is not stowed.
It functions exactly like the stock cover and I feel it would pass for OEM to the uninformed observer.
I can e-mail pics to anyone that would like them, give advice/direction etc. on this mod if you need/want. If you can tell me where I could post these on the web I will do so if there is interest.
For the standard coupe I believe there exists a set of instructions in the NSX Prime FAQ.
I have not created one for anyone else but would be willing to customize your cover and would charge on a time/materials basis if someone is interested.
Joe Lomoriello

Hey Joe - thanks for the offer. Can you give me a rough estimate/range to do this on a 91 engine cover? I may take you up on it...

Nick M

91' Red/Black with Many Mods
99' Honda Odyssey with Many Kids
I made a mesh engine cover (with much help from Chromatose) a while ago.

I just followed the instructions from the DIY as matteni pointed out.

Good Luck,

Edited because my other two pictures are not showing up. You can view these, and other pics, at
Click on the "NSX" folder.

[This message has been edited by Yawwn (edited 25 October 2002).]
Nice job on the cover.
How difficult was it to put the mesh in the side vents. I would like to do that also to match the WW body kit lower side vents.

Originally posted by pbassjo:
You have a 1992 and my cover is for a NSX-T.
I have customized my NSX-T engine cover/Top storage so that it has a mesh and you can see the engine when the top is not stowed.
It functions exactly like the stock cover and I feel it would pass for OEM to the uninformed observer.
I can e-mail pics to anyone that would like them, give advice/direction etc. on this mod if you need/want. If you can tell me where I could post these on the web I will do so if there is interest.
For the standard coupe I believe there exists a set of instructions in the NSX Prime FAQ.
I have not created one for anyone else but would be willing to customize your cover and would charge on a time/materials basis if someone is interested.
Joe Lomoriello

Hey Joe, can you email me pictures of your modified NSX-T Engine cover? v v t l e c @

I'll put 'em up on a website too if you want.

Thanks in advance.
Instead of carbon fiber, black gelcoat FRP covers were made to offer a less expensive alternative. This is great for people who will want to paint the cover, or leave it black as it comes. The engine cover still comes with the black mesh shown on the website.

-- Chris

Originally posted by matteni:
What is black gell coat? How does it compare to mesh?



Revolutionize your NSX with ScienceofSpeed | [email protected] | 877-863-4520
Chris would u entertain a group buy on this item as im sure there are many interested parties here who would love to get one and not go thru the hassle of tryin to cut up there cover.
Originally posted by 92NSX:
Nice job on the cover.
How difficult was it to put the mesh in the side vents. I would like to do that also to match the WW body kit lower side vents.

Hi 92NSX,
Sorry for the late response, but I was out of town for a few days.
Thanks for your compliment. I really like the way the mesh cover looks.
The mesh vent took a while... the first vent took a couple of hours, since you can only use your hands (I can't think of a tool that would work), and the knobs were extremely tight. My arms are fairly large, so it was even more difficult. The second one took about half an hour to take off. Other than that, it was pretty easy. I'm sure it will match your WW lower side vents very well.
Good Luck,