MMORPG - Lineage II

18 January 2004
I've recently caught the bug of wasting hours online playing this silly game.
It's called Lineage II and according to some statistics, it is the second most played (and payed) Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game in the world, second only to Lineage I.

The graphics are gorgeous, the soundtrack fabulous and the team battles/castle sieges quite envigorating. Attached are some screenshots. Enjoy.

Anyother NSX Prime members play online? Perhaps we can have a clan for ourselves.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


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Sorry but im pretty sure Everquest is the most played mmorpg ever. I played lineage 2 beta and was less than impressed, maybe i just didnt give it enough time. Since you say its so good maybe ill have to give it a try and we can meet up online. Ill let you know if i get it :D .
Yes, I thought Everquest was the most popular... well it is in America, but world wide, it's not even on the same scale as Lineage I, and Lineage II is growing quickly.

Analysis of MMORPG

The advantage of having a popular overseas game = more development / lag / testing over there, more exploration, less lag, and greater ability to learn from the other guys.

Did I mention that the graphics and sound were gorgeous, these are in game screenshots, not some CGI.

I hope this game doesn't vie for time with Prime. :)

I believe EQ is still number 1. I'm not sure how they're counting Lineage 2, but with Lineage 1 they counted everyone who downloaded and connected with the free client as a subscriber. This is how they got their absurdly high subscriber count versus EQ which actually has 500k or whatever active subscribers. I played Lineage 1 for a short while and it totally SUCKED compared to any of the other MMORPG's that I had experience wth. The article you linked indicates that they have an actual 2.7M active subscribers worldwide based on a large number of cybercafe accounts and what not, but I'm not sure how accurate that is. I know for a fact there were barely any players on in the North American version, I think the highest I ever counted was about 300 on at one time which seems very low given that they claim 7000 active North American subscribers.

BTW, you guys should check out World of Warcraft. I played the alpha a few months ago and they're about to open it up to a large beta group for stress testing. Definitely a fun game... better than the others that I've played.
Ya i got into the WOW stress test through gamespy cause i have an account.
vtecNSX1 said:
Ya i got into the WOW stress test through gamespy cause i have an account.

yep, im in the WoW stress test too (i signed up via the free account and still made it in). just waiting for it to begin.

I can't speak so much for Lineage I, but Lineage II should have a similar breakdown of US vs. World subscription base.

I understand in South Korea and Japan, they have TV programming dedicated to the arena tournament they hold and such. I don't know why it's not as popular in the US where Ever*crack* is the reigning champion.

Since I haven't played any MMORPG, I can't speak for the others, and I'm sure that they are fine games, but I think that this game is a sleeper that the rest of the world is going ga-ga over.

If anything, I hope that his picture of a random character convinces you otherwise :)



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GeNSX, I think it's really going to boil down to gameplay. Lineage 1 had horrible gameplay. Games like DAoC and especially WoW have incrementally improved on the gameplay in EQ, so it'll be interesting to see what LineageII will be like. Graphics wise, it's nothing special. The view depth is ok, but the poly count is low, the tree's are not dynamic, no interesting shader effects for the sky or ground or vegetation, and nothing interesting in the way of shadowing. If you even look at DAoC, which is nothing to write home about graphically, they've moved to nice pixel shaded water effects and speedtree dynamic trees with wind and branch movement and leaves that always face the camera so you never see them on end. Looking at games coming out in the near future (eg. EQ2), we see even more advanced effects such as soft-cloth simulation, self shadowing, etc.

But in the end, it really doesn't matter how it looks graphically -- it's all about gameplay and whether you end up getting frustrated on the "level treadmill" like most MMORPGs. If they can keep the game interesting and form a solid community, that's what will define whether the game is a success or a failure. Have fun playing it -- god knows I've spent too many years of my life addicted to these damn MMORPG's :D
I played L2 for a few months but recently terminated my account. It was actually quite a lot of fun when you're making progress in the earlier levels. Unfortunately, as with many MMORPG's, it just turned into a grind... play for several hours just to gain a level. If you can devote the time and have friends to play with regularly, it would be a riot. If your time is limited, you will probably be disappointed.
Coker and Arshad,

Very valid points. As I've stated before, I don't have any other MMORPGs for comparison, but for whatever reason, I seem to like this game.

It really is all about the friends you make in the game, more so than some of the gameplay distractions or attractions. It seems to really emphasize long term and usually massive organization... perhaps that's why I like it so much, rather than a hack and slash types.

I found this PhotoChopped image from the official website... I got a good chuckle out of it. Good to see that there are other computer time "black holes" that other people are addicted to... makes me feel better.



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It really is all about the friends you make in the game, more so than some of the gameplay distractions or attractions.

Absolutely. This is why EQ still has so many players who started back in 98/99 and have long since maxed out their characters but are still playing just for the company of their friends or clan.
Well ive decided im mmorpg starved and i need to start playing another one, since i kicked the eq habit a few months ago. I am going to go buy lineage 2 tomorrow so i would appreciate it if you could let me know what server you are on and tell me your name in game so i could contact you (if you want). Im actually getting excited! :D

PM sent. I hope you'll enjoy it!

Have any of you guys played EVE Online : The second genesis?
It's a space MMORPG with VERY impressive graphics & music.

50,000 users in the same universe, 5,000 solar systems, 43,000 planets and 230,000 moons... and no limits to your profession (Be a trader, fighter, industrialist, researcher, hunter, pirate or a mixture of them all).

i dont have time for these types of games, but the lure is sooooo strong. :( Get to check out the NSX in the year 2400. :D
