Mistaking the NSX...

14 August 2003
Toronto, Canada
I'm sure we've all had our cars mistaken for Ferrari's or even Corvettes. Here's the weirdest one I got asked earlier today by some lady:

"Is that an Acura Dodge?"

Heh...I took my NSX to a party at my boss's house and noticed a coworker looking at it. I approached her, only to have her tell me: "Oh, you washed your Mustang." What really gets me is that my Mustang's BLACK, and the NSX is RED!! OTOH I couldn't tell the difference between DKNY and FCUK.. :D
I had a girl at work ask me "why does it look like a camaro?"


My wife and I took a short ride last night and we pull out behind a C5 convertible (for me the decision process came down to 3 cars: C5, NSX, S2000). My wife says I should pull up next to the vette "to make the vette look bad". I didn't b/c we were turning right soon. The C5 also turned right... my wife quietly says "pass him.":cool: That is so unlike her(she has never like corvettes)! lol

I abliged her of course not making too much of a scene, the vette never tried to pass us back

Good one. The Vette doesn't stir my thought anywhere close to what the NSX does to me (Vette's are just too plain and too common.)

That is definitely a wife to keep.
PHOEN$X said:
Heh...I took my NSX to a party at my boss's house and noticed a coworker looking at it. I approached her, only to have her tell me: "Oh, you washed your Mustang." What really gets me is that my Mustang's BLACK, and the NSX is RED!! OTOH I couldn't tell the difference between DKNY and FCUK.. :D


Was she blonde?
If so, she got confused because the roof of your X is black. :D
hlweyl said:
I had a girl at work ask me "why does it look like a camaro?"

-should've at least told her that it's actually the other way around, since NSX came out 3 years before the current gen. C'Maro.....


My wife and I took a short ride last night and we pull out behind a C5 convertible (for me the decision process came down to 3 cars: C5, NSX, S2000). My wife says I should pull up next to the vette "to make the vette look bad". I didn't b/c we were turning right soon. The C5 also turned right... my wife quietly says "pass him.":cool: That is so unlike her(she has never like corvettes)! lol

I abliged her of course not making too much of a scene, the vette never tried to pass us back


LMAO! My kind of gal ! :D
T Bell said:
I caught my wife once trying to explain my car to her sister saying it was like a camaro. I ripped her apart on that one and then she said "sorry I meant like a Corvette not a Camaro" ..............Women :rolleyes:

Sounds like its time for a divorce! LOL:D :p :D
Arshad said:
I'm sure we've all had our cars mistaken for Ferrari's or even Corvettes. Here's the weirdest one I got asked earlier today by some lady:

"Is that an Acura Dodge?"


One time someone said my car was an integra :rolleyes:
I had someone ask me what kind of car. There next question was what kind of gal mileage it got. When I told them it got 20 MPG in the city, they asked why I bought it. They told their little Toyota got almost 40 MPG. I simply told them it was a matter of priorities.