Mistaken for a Mitsubishi


7 September 2000
One of the NSX's at my shop, Vince's Auto Body Works, has the adjuster from the insurance company in such a tizzy he keeps referring to it as a Mitsubishi. I guess he thinks it's a 3000. Gee, makes being mistaken for a Corvette sound good. Not to worry, he'll get it right. :cool:

It's odd how this car is not on some people's radar at all.
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Haha - too funny - yes, F-car or perhaps Corvette, but an adjuster thinking Mitsubishi ?? Yikes! It is amazing (especially to us car guys) that so many people have absolutely no clue what the NSX is. I am always amazed. Cheers ! Jay
Perhaps he's confusing it with the Mitsubaru NSXT, lol.


[] Two or three letter acronym
[] Wedge
[] Import
[] Popups

I've actually always wanted one with the space aged instrument cluster.

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One of the NSX's at my shop, Vince's Auto Body Works, has the adjuster from the insurance company in such a tizzy he keeps referring to it as a Mitsubishi. I guess he thinks it's a 3000. Gee, makes being mistaken for a Corvette sound good. Not to worry, he'll get it right. :cool:

It's odd how this car is not on some people's radar at all.

I was mistaken for this a couple of times, ur not the only one. Farthest off guess ever is still a celica....
Joe, just can't seem to formulate a scenario where car owner could procure NSX parts at Mitsubishi prices :tongue: