Minor low grinding noise when backing up..

29 August 2008
RPV, SoCal
I didn't notice this after I upgraded my tires to RFP1 17/18 (215-40 front and 275-35 rear), but now, when I backup, 8 out of 10 time, at the intial backing up, I can hear a very low and short rubbing/griding sound, and it goes away as I increase speed. As I stop to hear the noise, as long as I am very slow, chances are I might get to hear it again after 1 or 2 revolutions of the wheels. I am positive it is not the tire rubbing against the wheel wall, as I can see a hugh space between the top of the tire and my fender line. (I had someone jokingly saying my car looks like a 4X4 because of the clearance). Any ideas?
Is the noise coming from the front or rear. I have heard grinding noise from the front last time and it was my fender liners that rolled back on the tires after the fasterners broke at high speed.
Is the noise coming from the front or rear. I have heard grinding noise from the front last time and it was my fender liners that rolled back on the tires after the fasterners broke at high speed.

I am not exactly sure, because it is very low, and quick. I believe though it is from the rear.
When all my pads were shot at 48k km I drove another 200-300km at least and then the car started making a horrible noise in the rear when reversing. New pads fixed it.