Minn. Trooper Writes 205 Mph Ticket

12 March 2001
Minn. Trooper Writes 205 Mph Ticket

WABASHA, Minn. (AP) - With a State Patrol airplane overhead, a motorcyclist hit the throttle and possibly set the informal record for the fastest speeding ticket in Minnesota history: 205 mph.

On Saturday afternoon, State Patrol pilot Al Loney was flying near Wabasha, in southeastern Minnesota on the Wisconsin border, watching two motorcyclists racing along U.S. Highway 61.

When one of the riders shot forward, Loney was ready with his stopwatch. He clicked it once when the motorcycle reached a white marker on the road and again a quarter-mile later. The watch read 4.39 seconds, which Loney calculated to be 205 mph.

``I was in total disbelief,'' Loney told the St. Paul Pioneer Press for Tuesday's editions. ``I had to double-check my watch because in 27 years I'd never seen anything move that fast.''

Several law enforcement sources told the newspaper that, although no official records are kept, it was probably the fastest ticket ever written in the state.

After about three-quarters of a mile, the biker slowed to about 100 mph and let the other cycle catch up. By then Loney had radioed ahead to another state trooper, who pulled the two over soon afterward.

The State Patrol officer arrested the faster rider, 20-year-old Stillwater resident Samuel Armstrong Tilley, for reckless driving, driving without a motorcycle license - and driving 140 miles per hour over the posted speed limit of 65 mph.

A search of speeding tickets written by state troopers, who patrol most of the state's highways, between 1990 and February 2004 shows the next fastest ticket was for 150 mph in 1994 in Lake of the Woods County.

Tilley did not return calls from the newspaper to his home Monday. A working number for him could not immediately be found by The Associated Press on Tuesday.

Only a handful of exotic sports cars can reach 200 mph, but many high-performance motorcycles can top 175 mph. With minor modifications, they can hit 200 mph. Tilley was riding a Honda 1000, Loney said.

Kathy Swanson of the state Office of Traffic Safety said unless Tilley was wearing the kind of protective gear professional motorcycle racers wear, he was courting death at 200 mph.

``I'm not entirely sure what would happen if you crashed at 200 miles per hour,'' Swanson said. ``But it wouldn't be pretty, that's for sure.''

Information from: St. Paul Pioneer Press, http:// www.twincities.com
satan_srv said:
new honda 1000RR maybe?
I'll guess Suzuki Hayabusa!
"Only a handful of exotic sports cars can reach 200 mph, but many high-performance motorcycles can top 175 mph. With minor modifications, they can hit 200 mph. Tilley was riding a Honda 1000, Loney said. "
Here's the ticket:

jgtcnsx said:
they were talkin abou tthat on 2 wheel tuesday on the speed channel yesterday

I saw that too. I was thinking, unless he has some mods on that bike there is no way it was clocked at 205 (or timed). Easy ticket to get out of. Just tell the judge there is no way you were going 205 the bike is not that fast :D

Then just sit there and smile............. :D
i dont know that much about motorcycles, but do you guys know what is the fastest speed on a streetable motocycle ever. I believe that 205 mph on a streetable bike is impossible because of stability issues.
ADNOH said:
i dont know that much about motorcycles, but do you guys know what is the fastest speed on a streetable motocycle ever. I believe that 205 mph on a streetable bike is impossible because of stability issues.

The Suzuki Hayabusa can reach 200 MPH in stock form conditions permitting. The ZX-12R is very close to the Hayabusa in top speed but has a higher drag coefficient. There was a modified streetable Hayabusa that ran 249 MPH in Bonneville. I saw a 240+ MPH run on Discovery channel once too.
I want to know how the v = d/t method can actually produce at accurate speed measurement ..when you have a stop watch with a human being starting and stopping the clock with sight and hand reflexes....this is really a poor method of speed measurement...how can this really stand up in court.....?
NCC-1701D said:
I want to know how the v = d/t method can actually produce at accurate speed measurement ..when you have a stop watch with a human being starting and stopping the clock with sight and hand reflexes....this is really a poor method of speed measurement...how can this really stand up in court.....?

The theory is that in order to average 205 mph, your top speed has to be at least that fast. There is definitely some human error, but if 205mph = 4.39s, then the speed limit is 13.85s. I think this guy is screwed. Even if there is 1 sec of error (which is really generous for a 27 year stopwatch jockey IMO), he was still going at least 167mph. Arguing 'Your honor, I was only going 167 in a 65!' might not get you very far.

I've even gotten a BS 'pacing' tickets before, which seem to stand up in court even if the officer was parked at the time. Apparenly they have a 'trained eye' for this sort of thing. :rolleyes:

What strikes me as odd is that there is no mention of the other guy getting a ticket! The first guy slowed to 100mph to let him catch up for the next mile, so I am betting the other guy was going at least at 120mph.

So, if 2 trains leave Denver travelling at 65mph... (sorry, math class flashbacks).
Malibu Rapper said:
The Suzuki Hayabusa can reach 200 MPH in stock form conditions permitting. The ZX-12R is very close to the Hayabusa in top speed but has a higher drag coefficient. There was a modified streetable Hayabusa that ran 249 MPH in Bonneville. I saw a 240+ MPH run on Discovery channel once too.
i dont know that much about motorcycles, but do you guys know what is the fastest speed on a streetable motocycle ever. I believe that 205 mph on a streetable bike is impossible because of stability issues.

I do know about Motorcycles.

205MPH out of a stock or near stock CBR1000 is not possible. It has nothing to do with stability, it has to do with HP, it does not have enought to do 205 MPH. This would be assuming the owner figured out how to override the 185MPH speed limiter built into the bike.

As far as the Hayabusa on the Discovery channel, it is a Turbo charged big bore owned by John Noonan, the Motorcycle piston rep at JE pistons. Here is a dyno run of his bike.

An aircraft timed him using a stop watch, and the paint marks in the road? Are they are spaced 1/4 mile apart?
There has to be a lot of error in that set up.

That has to be one of the cheapest ticket's I have ever seen.
prova4re said:
That has to be one of the cheapest ticket's I have ever seen.

It is like speeding is on SALE!! I try to do all my speeding in PA or other states which have no reciprocity with NY. IMO any fine is cheap. It is the points which really cost you over the long term.
Arata said:
I do know about Motorcycles.

205MPH out of a stock or near stock CBR1000 is not possible. It has nothing to do with stability, it has to do with HP, it does not have enought to do 205 MPH. This would be assuming the owner figured out how to override the 185MPH speed limiter built into the bike.

As far as the Hayabusa on the Discovery channel, it is a Turbo charged big bore owned by John Noonan, the Motorcycle piston rep at JE pistons. Here is a dyno run of his bike.


I know of a few local Hayabusa's(not stock) that have cracked the 200 mark on several occasions. One of them left me sitting at 185!!!
P.S. please dont lecture, I know the dangers driving that fast and I was willing to take that risk. No animals were harmed in our testing :D
I spent 4 years road racing at BIR I have owned or raced most of the croch rockets including an RC 51. There is no way he was going over 200mph. This cop must be the same guy we all went to high school with that had a camaro with a stock 350 that went 160MPH. Everyone talks about top speed on these bikes (they are fast) but the #'s just are not as fast as most people say.
maynard said:
I spent 4 years road racing at BIR I have owned or raced most of the croch rockets including an RC 51. There is no way he was going over 200mph. This cop must be the same guy we all went to high school with that had a camaro with a stock 350 that went 160MPH. Everyone talks about top speed on these bikes (they are fast) but the #'s just are not as fast as most people say.

Those who are not familar with BIR (Brainard Int Raceway) it has a front straight that is about 1 mile long.
Update - confirming the BS

In the December issue of Roadracing World magazine they dyno test the actual motorcycle that was ridden by the now famous speeder. The test yielded a top speed (with no wind resistance) of 159.77 mph. Estimated actual top speed is around 145mph.
Perhaps Trooper Al Loney should spell check his last name...
Anyone know if this guy went to court and got out of it based on the above information on the top speed of the bike in question?