milestone birthdays

14 December 2003
NSXPO '05, '10 & '15
So I can't believe it but I will be turning 40 this year. I can't believe life has flown by that fast!! :eek:

However, going into my 40th birthday is awesome, I'm in the best physical condition of my life, best career situation ever, and best family / home life as well. I couldn't be happier or ask for more (except please let me win that Mega Millions $300+ million lotto just once this year!!! :tongue: )

For my mid-life crisis, I've replaced my entire fleet of family cars (except my NSX, of course :biggrin: ), bought my first new car for the wife, and am planning an island vacation with the family to Hawaii.

In thinking back on milestone birthdays, 20's I was young and stupid, but got a consulting job and traveled the work, lived abroad, 30's I got married, had a kid, bought my NSX, and settled down. Now I'm really looking to the 40's as I have had my NSX for 8 years, will really enjoy her in the next 10 years until 50, as well as do lots more family traveling and island hopping.

I look to the 50 year old and older guys as inspiration. You guys have done an awesome job in your lives so I hope to be an old timer on Prime keeping tabs on the new NSX 2.0, and really living life to its fullest. :smile:

Happy 50th birthday to a bunch of you who are turning 50. I'm gonna enjoy turning 40 this year, best birthday yet. :biggrin:
Life is like a roll of toilet paper...the closer to the end you get the faster it goes! :smile:

Glad to hear you are doing well. The best part is sharing it with your family and friends.

I'm thinking of doing a 5k run for my 50th Birthday present to myself.
turning 40? that's got "cute" written all over it.

why, when i turned 40 we celebrated by inventing fire. and if dtrigg was still on prime, he'd tell you about the time he invented the atmosphere ... or was it the hoveround ... shoot, now i forget.

(actually, 40 was ok but 41 was the kickoff summer for our youngest son and i to do some adventuring together. we finished off the summer by tandeming down the CA coast from monterey - santa barbara ... an awesome time.)
turning 40? that's got "cute" written all over it.

why, when i turned 40 we celebrated by inventing fire. and if dtrigg was still on prime, he'd tell you about the time he invented the atmosphere ... or was it the hoveround ... shoot, now i forget.

(actually, 40 was ok but 41 was the kickoff summer for our youngest son and i to do some adventuring together. we finished off the summer by tandeming down the CA coast from monterey - santa barbara ... an awesome time.)

Was that just before you guys finished the pyramids?:biggrin:

Turning 40 was a huge deal/gift for me. My uncle, who I adored, died at 39 from skin cancer. I was 12 at the time. It effected me deeply and it was always in the back of my mind that getting past 39 was a goal for me.
Is 40 considered mid-life? People who don't know me probably think my NSX is a mid-life crisis car, but my Mustang would probably have fit that description better. My neighbor is in his 50s, and has been contemplating replacing his C5 vette with a CTS-V coupe because he is starting to have trouble getting in and out of his car (I suggested that he look into an XLR instead). I hope I am able to drive my NSX until I'm 100; I'll keep replacing joints if necessary. :biggrin: I guess it's motivation for staying healthy and active.
Is 40 considered mid-life?

I believe so Yes. I was 43 when I bought my NSX and my wife considered that my mid-life crisis car, but I think the sport bike fits the bill also.

My wife tells me 40 is the new 30.

People are living longer! Just eat healthy and exercise and you are good to go!

I've been running more amd working out alot. I think it can actually turn back the odometer! :eek: :smile: :biggrin:

My uncle, who I adored, died at 39 from skin cancer. I was 12 at the time. It effected me deeply and it was always in the back of my mind that getting past 39 was a goal for me.

My step dad had a major heart attack at 40. He was my male role model. We used to do everything together. That gave me a lot of incentive to exercise and keep fit.
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Birthday? What's a birthday?