Mileage disclosure

19 July 2004
New Berlin, Wisconsin
Well I just received my title in the mail and have a very important question. Any thoughts on why a title would have the following text on it?
"Vehicle exempt from odometer disclosure". Carfax is clean. Car is beautiful. But I am now very confused. HELP!!!

The panic is over, my apologies to the forum. Looks like vehicles over 10 years old are exempt from odometer disclosure. Wow, that's strange. Here's the details.

Vehicles Exempt From the Odometer Disclosure Requirements of the Federal Truth in Mileage Act
The following vehicles are exempt from the odometer disclosure requirements of the Federal Truth in Mileage Act:

A vehicle with a gross weight rating of more than 16,000 pounds;
A vehicle not self-propelled (i.e. Trailer, etc).;
Vehicles ten-model years (10) old or older (e.g. Current calendar year minus ten (10) equals the first year model exempt.) In the calendar year 2003, 1993 and older year model vehicles are exempt. In calendar year 2004, 1994 and older year model vehicles will be exempt.
A vehicle sold directly by the manufacturer to any U.S. government agency in compliance with a contract's specifications and;
A transferor (seller) of a new vehicle prior to its first transfer to a retail customer need not disclose the vehicle's odometer reading (i.e. Sale of a new vehicle from one dealer to another dealer before the vehicle is sold to the first retail customer).
I would prefer/trust a true mileage title more than anything. The only advantage of choosing an 'exempt' title would be to lie about mileage I would think.
I agree, I have 32k on mine and now a title that doesn't disclose the mileage. By the way, I had no option to have the mileage disclosed. This sure is strange.
it can be done just takes alot of begging. like mentioned earlier any model over 10 years old you do not have to record mileage. also it pays to have friends at the local clerks office! ;)