
8 February 2003
45 min N. of Road America in Appleton WI
aka cluster headaches.

Anyone here suffer from these? I am having major ones that meds don't do nothing for them. The Doc. had me get a CT scan done friday to see if anything might be causing them. I feel them coming, my left eye waters, and sinus pressure builds. I am in extreme pain for up to 5 hours!!!! for each, and sometimes have 3-4 a day. I have used every possible over the counter drug on a borderline overdose dosage, and nothing!! I have also tried prescription drugs Imitrex, Maxalt, and Amitriptylin to no avail. The only thing that seems to take the edge off quickly is two Hydrocodone (vicodin).

Any doc's here? or others suffering that have found a relief pill?
Sorry to hear of your pain.
I get migraines and very severe ones on limited occassions.

I refuse to use any over the counter stuff other than Excedrin for the small time stuff since that seems to be the only thing that works for me. Tylenol, Bayer, Advil, Asprin etc all do nothing for me. I believe it may attributed to the fact Excedrin has caffeine in it as well.

As for the severe stuff, I've taken Vicodin before too, and I love that stuff. Usually starts working within 30 minutes.

Based on the fact that maxalt hasn't worked for you (the only of those you've tried that I'm familiar with) I think the best bet would be to see what your doc has to say.

Hope you get to feeling better.
And not trying to sound like a elementary school nurse or insult your intelligence, but you have tried lying down in a dark room with a cold compress over your head? This can help ease those blood vessels in your head.

Get better!
Sorry to hear about those headaches. I have gotten them since I was a kid and they have gotten worse as an adult. I would suggest first seeing a physician, maybe even a migraine specialist.

I've always heard that a cluster headache is actually different than a migraine although they share many of the same characteristics. Sometimes throwing drugs at them isn't the answer. The best way is to try and figure out what triggers these headaches for you. It can be something as simple as caffeine, aspartame (nutrasweet), or chocolate. I know my trigger is stress and too much chocolate.

Another suggestion is common sense type stuff, such as, eating right, routine cardiovascular exercise (try to get at least 6 times a week in), sleeping enough, and trying to reduce as many stress factors as you can. If you are a coffee drinker, that might be the first place to start. Going off of it might even give you more headaches at first until your body overcomes it's addiction to caffeine. Eliminate one thing at a time until you find the trigger, this can take a long time, but be diligent and you'll thank yourself later.

As far as the meds go, I can tell you what works for me. Those newer migraine medicines only worked about 10% of the time for me. They usually did nothing and timing is everything for that class of drugs. I currently take a medicine called inderal. This is a beta blocker drug that is also used to treat hypertension and arrythmias. I take it every night and after about a year is still working. I went from about 2-3 migraines per week to 2-3 per month. For those times when I feel like my brain is going to burst out of the side of my head, I take endocet (kinda like vicoden but with some tylenol mixed in.)

Best of luck to you.
Yes, I suffer from them. However, today I am relatively free of them in comparison to two years ago. A few years ago it was a rarity if I could go three days without one. I don't want to come off sounding like a doc here, but migraines can take on more than one symptomatic form. What was interesting about mine was that they would not always be accompanied by severe pain. Don't get me wrong, they were (occasionally still are) disabilitating. Mine leave me in a total state of confusion along with numbness in the temple area, as well as a throbbing sensation in the same area. Most of the times I know they are about to occur because of some optical visualizations I have. Many times other people can see my temple pulsing wildly. I can remember the first time I had a severe migraine as if it were an hour ago, although at the time I didn’t know right from left, literally. My family and I were on a vacation trip to the lake when my head started throbbing. I came to an intersection in a small town, where I had to stop in the middle of the road. Told the wife to take the wheel, and to try not to ask me any questions, that I would explain later what I felt, but that I didn't think there was any danger. At the time I honestly couldn't make the decison of whether to turn right or left, although I knew I was supposed to turn right. Weird, ey?

How do I deal with the Migraine pain? Imitrex didn't do squat. I have found that Zomig is effective, although Excedrin Migraine strength is just about as good. Cold compresses are a great help. More importantly is how I have pretty much eliminated them. Migraine preventative prescriptions that I took while the symptoms started subsiding included disipramine and Inderal. Both are used primarily for other things, but have been found to be effective in preventative treatment for migraines. As it was explained to me, the cause of migraines still isn't known, and the two books I subsequently read back that up. However, it is accepted that one reason that migraines can arise is because our body's serotonin balance get out of whack. Preventative treatment such as I took aims itself at getting the serotonin balance back to normal levels. As I said, it has worked for me, and I thank my physician (and God) for that.

If you would like a book to read, I have one I would be happy to send. Also, if you want the best you can get in a Neurologist specializing in migraines, consider The Headache Institute here in St. Louis at Washington University. My personal physician is/was Dr. Karen Pentella. A typical wait time for her is 5-6 months. Dr. Sohn (institute director) was even longer.

Hope things get better. ;)

Disclaimer: What I wrote here is in effort to share my experience, not in effort to offer up a cure in terms of medication I took. See a competent physician. I went to three Neurologist’s before I found relief.
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hlweyl said:

I've always heard that a cluster headache is actually different than a migraine although they share many of the same characteristics. Sometimes throwing drugs at them isn't the answer. The best way is to try and figure out what triggers these headaches for you. It can be something as simple as caffeine, aspartame (nutrasweet), or chocolate. I know my trigger is stress and too much chocolate.
hlweyl offers soem great advice. It has been a while since mine first started, but when they did I search the ends of the internet (is that possible?), and one of the first things I eliminated was aspratame. While it wasn't the cure for me, I did find I felt better without that stuff. ;) I don't eat chocolate, so that was a no-brainer. Question for hlweyl, beeker16 and T Bell: Does anyone else in your family (blood) suffer?

T Bell: I have recently heard that the single most effective treatment for migraines is driving a forced induction NSX. :D
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Tom Larkins said:
Anyone here ever use Saline nasal spray in the morning or right after taking a hot shower...
Yes. ;)
Tom Larkins said:
Anyone here ever use Saline nasal spray in the morning or right after taking a hot shower when the sinus passages are most open. May help somewhat from what my doctor told me.

Flonase works pretty good for me a shot at night when needed and I'm good till the morning.
I saw a specialist as a kid when I had a lot. Mine were finally attributed to my eyes (needed new contacts as the perscription right to left had changed).

Just a clue if you haven't had an eye test in a long time.

Good luck! I still get them but mostly it is the result of sinuses living in St. Louis or maybe having 3 kids 5 and under? In any event I wouldn't change either one!

Classic teaching is that cluster HA is a different animal than typical migrane.If you have ruled out a structural problem with imaging such as ct and or mri than your best bet is to see a doc who specializes in HA.And most of the discussion about HA in this thread is true and well said.
I do suffer from "cluster headaches" to a "T" by deffinition. I should get the CT results back this week. I had to go into the ER Sat night, cause the meds from my doc were not strong enough. I finally got some Hydrocodone, and a Maxalt upgrade to 10 mg pills. This should suffice for the short term. If they don't go back into remission in a week or so I will start to get real concerned!! I am on week 3 right now.

Thanks for th info.

BTW through some PM's and talking to my dad, I have learned that some people have the opening in the back of the skull too small for the nerve pack from the base of the brain to fit through. It puts pressure on the nerves, thus triggering the headaches. I have heard of a local girl that would throw up from headaches almost once a day for weeks, and after having the hole surgically enlargened, she has been headache free right from the recovery room to this day????

I will keep searching for my cause.
Tom Larkins said:
Anyone here ever use Saline nasal spray in the morning or right after taking a hot shower when the sinus passages are most open. May help somewhat from what my doctor told me.

Yep. It is called AYR.
If you need a name for that back of brain issue it is a Chiari (type 1) malformation. I'm sure a search on some of the medical sites will define it for you.Good luck.
Cluster headaches and migraine are not the same. You need to see a neurologist and probably need more advanced testing.
Cluster headache is a benign diagnosis but can be very debilitating. I don't have a WI license, so I won't take this any farther except to say the workup is not complete with just a negative unenhanced CT of the brain. Best of luck to you.
ZOMIG for me!

Zomig is the only thing that works for me.
Imitrex just about killed me, flu like symtoms, bones aching and such.
Use to eat 6 T-3's before Zomig came along.

Your headaches sound like CLUSTER headaches, NOT migraines. They are difficult to treat, and many drugs have been tried with limited success. There are several types of cluster headaches also. If you don't get relief, the Diamond Headache clinic in Chicago may be of help. (I could write more, but I type so slow that it would take hours!)

Good luck

Thanks guys!! I ended up with the classic "cluster" headaches, that lasted for 3 1/2 weeks before going back into remission. I had to go to the emergency room in order to get what I needed. My family doc took baby steps, and with clusters or migraines, baby steps don't cut it!!!

I ended up with 10 mg Maxalt dissolving tablets, and if 2 don't work, Hydrocodone (Vicodin) takes the edge off for sure.

Thank God I can go through a full week headache free, but I ALWAYS make sure my Maxalt and Vicodin are within reach. :)
Watch out for that vicodan if you take it long term,it is sneaky addictive.