MIght need to keep the NSX a LOOOOOONG time.

where do i sign up? :biggrin:

but really, with nanotechnoloy and all this crazy nonsense, is it really that unbelievable? i did get 301 vitamins in my 300 vitamin bottle and i never expected that. :eek: (its a long story as to why i counted them all)
I think his projections are premature at best. Something of this magnitude may be a possibility, but not within my lifetime. Working in the medical field also alows you to see the red tape that presents itself every step of the way. Finally, if this type of regenerative ability actually comes into existance, the government has a lot of reasons to contain it, harness it, and deny it to the general public.

But imagine the value of such a thing to someone with no faith in God. Even more, imagine the value of this to someone who fears hell.

Final note: If this type of "life" comes into existance and becomes our "given right", who are we to deny individuals in the prison system their everlong life? Now there is your tax dollars at work! At least you will have a 1000 years to pay for their 1000 sentence in prison.

Sure they'll let us live forever.
Hmmmm....Try out neurological disorders of nonregenerative cell types. The body will continuesly regenerate and heal itself, but noone would be home. A perpetual vegetable due to the complexity and life limit of the brain cell structure. For example, Ronald Reagan's condition could not be prevented by the afore mentioned "medical magic" due to its nature (Parkinsons is not intrinsickly related to age) but with primal brain functions still intact, he would grace a wheel chair with incomprehensive cognitive ability for another 400 years or so.

hahah, everyone should get all thier parts of thier body cloned and then we can just cahnge them when we need new ones :smile: ya know like when your car gets old just swap the engine put all new parts in and your good to go. plastic surgery to take care of the outside. it could work i tell ya :biggrin:
"Oh my great great great great great great great great grandson is going to throw a party for me and my honey bunny hushand for our 800th wedding anniversary. Isn't he sweet?" :wink:
Zuerst, who is the new babe in your avatar?

As far as the live for 1000 years thing, maybe I would have the time to finish school after all. Can you imagine how much someone would have to save up for retirement? If I had the choice I would defiantly live as long as possible assuming I have a good quality of life.