Mid-Life Crisis Vehicles

I think,

1) Vettes
2) Porsches
3) Domestic musclecars from the late 60's and early 70's
Which age range qualifies as "mid life"? Is it 40s thru 50s? I'm thinking about changing my thesis to the correlation between mid-life crisis and the choice of vehicle.
Certain people have accused me of a mid-life crisis because I bought a NSX(i'm 36). Mid-life crisis is a real phenomenon and has something to do with a person, man or woman, having an identity crisis. While trying to re-establish their identity, many changes are made to their lifestyle/appearance.

This is completely different from a person that has a passion for cars, particularly sports cars. So if you're wondering if you truely are having a mid-life crisis, ask yourself what you would drive if you were alone on a deserted island with good roads.
The 40+ y.o. guy in my area in the yellow Integra Type R that seems the be making use of every square inch of the drivers side cabin area. You know who you are. :D
remember the time we went up to the race legal drags here in san diego, and certain individuals in the 40 plus age bracket with altezza taillights on their toyota celicas and ford mustangs... They really have a CRISIS going on!
MsKadyB said:
Corvettes seem to be a popular choice. I think I will also research how women cope with mid-life crisis and if they experience it as much as men do.

I am biting my tongue really hard, but will leave this one for those responses more PC than mine would be:D

I was driving down the freeway on a sunny Arizona day with the targa off and the wind blowing. (sounds like a nice dream huh)

Well a family in a minivan speeds up and takes a better peek at the NSX.... I grin and the kids and wife oooh and ahhh!!!!! The husband looks over with the sheepish look of disgust.... You can see the envy, lust, and desire all over his face.

I grin a little more and hit the gas and say to myself "life is just a dream"....

It's important to note that just because a person in their 40s/50s makes a nice vehicle purchase doesn't mean that there's a mid-life crises going on. It may be that by that stage of life they are finally able to reward themselves with a nice toy, after spending the previous twenty or thirty years putting their financial house in order. By then, the kids are almost grown and school is being taken care of, the mortgage and other debt has been paid down to a manageable level and their investments/retirement funds seem to be on track.
NSXLNT said:
It's important to note that just because a person in their 40s/50s makes a nice vehicle purchase doesn't mean that there's a mid-life crises going on. It may be that by that stage of life they are finally able to reward themselves with a nice toy, after spending the previous twenty or thirty years putting their financial house in order. By then, the kids are almost grown and school is being taken care of, the mortgage and other debt has been paid down to a manageable level and their investments/retirement funds seem to be on track.

That's what I plan to investigate. :)