Michelle Offsie Memorial Walk - June 6, 2010

28 March 2002
It is coming up on that time of year when we gather together to support one of our own, Alan Offsie ("Climberao"), and contribute to an important and worthy cause - the fight against breast cancer.

Eight years ago Alan's wife, Michelle, lost her battle with breast cancer and since then there has been a Memorial Walk to raise funds to help fight this disease. The NSX community has supported Alan both by walking and/or by making a financial contribution.

This year the Walk will be on June 6 and we are hoping that our NSX "family" comes out once again in support of one of our members and his family.

Please join Team NSX Club of America




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Please help out and join Team NSX Club of America!
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This is one of the "can't miss" NE events, and as usual, Alan guarantees perfect weather for the entire day. Nancy and I have joined Bob and Tony (please bring Bags this year!) on the NSX team and look forward to another great Sunday with friends!!!!
And although we would like to see a big turnout in person, if anyone is unable, either physically or geographically, to attend a donation to the team would be appreciated greatly.

Let's try to keep Team NSX Club of America listed on the home page as a top fund raising team.
Although I will not be able to attend I did make a donation to this extremely worthy cause under the Team NSX name. For those of you who are going, thank you, be safe and have a successful day.

Although I will not be able to attend I did make a donation to this extremely worthy cause under the Team NSX name. For those of you who are going, thank you, be safe and have a successful day.


Thank you Larry.

Your support is sincerely appreciated.
Time for a "less than two weeks away for a good cause" bump......

Team NSXCA is currently 4th on the list in terms of monies raised so let's see if we can make a podium finish.
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Not too late to sign up folks. Never rains on Michelle's day and we even get special NSX parking!!
Online registration ends at midnight tonight although you can always sign up on the day of the event in person or just make a donation to the team.

But if you do plan on coming, please let us know so that there is a special NSX Reserved Parking spot for you.
Can't make the date but did make a donation. Good luck guys and see ya soon...

I'm registered with the hope of attending. What time are we leaving Westchester ?:smile:

Great news Keith!

We will be meeting at the usual place on Westchester Avenue on the side of 287 in White Plains. Still waiting to confirm the time which will be 90 minutes before we are expected at the walk and I emailed The Don and Alan to confirm when we should arrive for the walk.
We should meet on westchester avenue and head out from there at 7:00. Alan indicated that they will be closing roads there and speeches start at 9 so we should try to get there by 8:30.
If I can get a car count today (Friday) we can determine where to place the cars. We are setting up on Saturday and knowing the count will be greatly appreciated :biggrin:
Looking forward to sun and exercise with all of you. As usual you are invited back to cool off in the pool after the event :cool:
Thanks for your support!
I'll start the car list (hopefully the others will check this thread again but just in case please plan for 10 spots based upon my guestimate from the team list online)

1. RSO 34
2. The Don/Poohkie
3. RPM217
4. Peter/The Lovely Sylvia
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1. RSO 34
2. The Don/Poohkie
3. RPM217
4. Peter/The Lovely Sylvia
5. Rich/Jeanne