Mew England NSX owners club

8 March 2006
Guys I have created a new facebook page for New England NSX owners, just to organize local meets and stuff. Please join. And let me know here when you do.
Guys I have created a new facebook page for New England NSX owners, just to organize local meets and stuff. Please join. And let me know here when you do.

"Mew England", what is it, a kitty cat club?
Anyone that can't find it please PM me your email address and I will send you an invite. I am setting up a local meet soon. Mew is how you type new at 3 am. LOL

- - - Updated - - -

Can I join???

Sure. But it will be for New England events unless you want a long drive for kind of a small boring 3 hour chit chat with a bunch of dudes and probably zero women. Cuz that's how we roll...