Merry Xmas NSXPRIME 2013


15 July 2009
Guys wanted to say Merry Christmas/ Happy Hanukkah to all of NSXPRIME

may you get a ton of Honda and SOS boxes under your tree this year for all you guys that have been a great Dad, Husband etc.

and if you have any spare parts left over after Christmas I will gladly try and take them off your hands OEM parts are the best
but any aftermarket parts are useful LOL

seriously have a great time with family and friends.

and if this time of year gets you down then go drive your NSX and burn some rubber.

NSXPRIME is and always will be the best site on the internet great bunch of guys most.... will go that extra mile for another member.

and be careful drive slow your in no rush and watch other cars around you, if your in the snow then take extra steps to make sure you get home safe.

all you military guys your doing a great job and dont worry you will be home with your family soon enough.

all you animal lovers hug you pets with an extra slice of love and remember your lost pets like my girl dog Yodi I miss her.

and remember your loved ones that are in a better place, they miss you as much as you miss them. but smile cuz they dont have to pay taxes anymore.

to all I have not mentioned peace to you and your family and may the Light shine down on them or all of their life.

best wishes from

Shawn110975 and his family Wife son, daughter and one baking in the oven as we speak.
Have a blessed Christmas well.......The beautiful thing about about this time is whether you are having good times or bad there is peace and comfort to be had, you just have to believe.
Merry Christmas!

well we have one more day, till you last minutes shoppers are up the creek without a paddle.
Guys wanted to say Merry Christmas/ Happy Hanukkah to all of NSXPRIME

best wishes from

Shawn110975 and his family Wife son, daughter and one baking in the oven as we speak.

Thanks Shawn,

I send the same wishes to my Canadian friends and to all of our neighbours to the south!

Merry Christmas all. I doubt my wife shopped at SOS for me but Ill find out soon enough
Merry Christmas from Camp Arena, Afghanistan! We are certainly missing the "traditional" Christmas dinner to say the least.
Merry Christmas NSX Prime! Thanks for all the help, advice, and laughs. Also thanks for the cool people I've met.