MEMORIAL Weekend NSX showdown!!! May 30th

30 October 2000
Houston, TX
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages, can I have your attention please. I would like to inform everyone about this weekends event. We are having a meeting, drive, brunch, and then a drive to go carting. I will try to provide as much information as I possibly can, *but please tune into this thread for further updates. :)

DATE: May 30th, 2004

TIME: 9:00am - 9:30am

MEETING POINT: Target Parking lot at Hwy 288 S. and FM 518. This is in a large shopping strip behind a Chili's. For those who attended our Galveston Cruise, this is the same spot as last time.

AGENDA: Once everyone meets, we will take a drive directly to Kemah for brunch.



From there, after we have eaten, we will drive down to KartZone near 59 South and Fountain View area. Thanks to Paul's effort, we have worked out a great price. The price is usually $25 per race, plus a $5 license fee. The price for our group will be only $15 dollars and the license fee will be waived. This is a great deal, and well worth it for the fun you will have. Just ask the Austin guys. Btw, who had the fastest lap time of the day?? :D




Please PM me with any questions, comments, or concerns.
- Zishan "Z"

*DISCLAIMER: Guys, I can't take all the credit here, Paul actually put in most time and effort to set this up. He's the mastermind behind all this mayhem. I'm just the messenger!!!
:D :D :D
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NSX FoYoAss said:
This is a great deal, and well worth it for the fun you will have. Just ask the Austin guys. Btw, who had the fastest lap time of the day??
That is a good deal - Thanks for hooking this up, guys. Karting is a blast! It was Ron who ran the fastest official lap of that day.

Speaking of karting and fast drivers, I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the Austin Racing Team scored a clean sweep during NSteXpo, taking the top 3 spots. Um, that is all. :D
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thank you thank you Ojas for reminding these people who had the fastest official lap time :D . I'm still trying to see if I can make it out there guys. Sounds like it's gonna be fun
Awesome post Z! I am very busy at work right now and did not have time to post the details, thanks for posting them. I will obviously be there so count me in!

Ojas, Umar, and Ron…you guys just keep talkin’ smack while you can. You don’t have home track advantage this time! :D :cool:

paul don't forget i got 3rd....yes making it an all Austin Podium was nice during texpo.

just think next time we can try some cheating bastard tricks (thanks nsxfiles) and go practice first :)

Sorry can't make it, have some guest coming up to austin for some lake fun
what a weekend!!

ok guys! the gtg was awesome!! we've so much fun and it was great to see such a great turn out! so many beautiful nsx in one place is just amazing!! so glad to see so many nsx brothers and some of their friends shows up today! the drive was fun and food was good too!

we will have to do this more often! and Paul your bbq is the best in town, thanks for the wonderful time at your crib! you are the best!! and your ride alway looks so damn good, its like just rolled out of the show room floor!

Darren, your car take the word "clean and mint" to a whole new level. is a true black beauty! i am not worthy!!

Z, your car is smashing! i am speechless! it just so damn cool now!! so don't let it get dirty again and keep up the good work! it was great to have your car back and it is better than ever!

nick, it was so great to spending time with you this weekend! your car is just keep looking better and better everytime i see it! the new wheels rocks!! next time bring your son out with you!

Peter, wow, what can i say? your sc nsx is breath taking! love those wheels and brake kit! sweet!! i am glad you were able to join us today! and Patrick your car is truly low and fast!! looking forward to see you again, and the new mods your are going to do to your car! please come out again both of you and join us next time!

Ojas and Umar, thanks for coming down to houston and it was so wonderful to finally meet you both! i hope you guys enjoy the time you were here in houston! please come back and join us again! we love to go drive with you both! next time bring more austin guys with you. i am looking forward to go to austin and hang out with you guys also!

Ricky, thanks for bringing some of your friends out and join us today! please tell them we love to have them again on our next month gtg! it was amazing to see you taking on the Z06 and the M3! your car is fast!

again, thanks all of you for making this gtg a blast!! i am already looking forward to seeing all of you again on our next gtg! and guys please feel free to make suggestion, idea or comment, we try to make out next gtg an even better one!! now, someone please post some pix!!



p.s for those of you who missed this month gtg, please come out next time and we love to have you guys to join us!
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Awesome weekend

Howdy everyone! I had a great time - Besides seeing all the beautiful NSXs, I very much enjoyed spending time with the Houston gang. It was most definately worth the trip from Austin. I’m very much looking forward to the next get-together.

I made it back to Austin just in time... About an hour before the hail storm - I don't think the NSX would have liked 15 minutes of golf-ball-size hail!

Anyway, I have a few pictures to share (click on a picture for higher resolution)...
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Prior to group drive

Let’s start with Sunday morning, prior to the group drive...

Osiris_x11's keepin'-it-real NSX:
<a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a>

World Debut of stormrider's new NSX:
<a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a>
Group drive to Kemah

Group drive to Kemah:
<a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="224"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a>
Re-grouping at Auto-Logic

Re-grouping at Auto-Logic:
<a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="138"/></a>

NSX FoYoAss's slammed NSX:
<a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a>

More of stormrider's awesome NSX:
<a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="338" height="450"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="338" height="450"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="338" height="450"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a>

The Auto-Logic NSXs:
<a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a>

<a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a> <a href=""><img style="border:1px solid black" src="" width="450" height="338"/></a>
One more

Sorry the karting pictures came out bad. Umar actually took a ton of pictures. They would have came out great if I had not messed up the camera settings prior to the race. My bad.

Since I can’t show you a lot of nice karting pictures, I’ll show you everything you need to know... ;) :D


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Thanks Ojas, you came through again for posting awesome pictures.

Thanks Paul, Tommy and Z for organizing this much needed event. I can't wait for the next one.

And Tommy, what can i say about your car? Those pictures didn't do any justice at all, it was GORGEOUS.
ojas, great job on the pix! you and your camera make my "blue angel" look good! i can't believe you beat paul again and this time at his home court!! well, paul next time!! ;)
nick, thanks for the kind words!! i had so much fun hanging out with you guys! can't wait for the next one! your red X is very tight and pimping too!! :)
ok, who else have pix of the great weekend? please post them!! so we can all live the great weekend again!
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whats up all!!!!!

What a weekend!!! Man that drive was AWESOME, the sight of all those beautiful NSX's was breath taking. Beamers and Vettes only added to the fun!!! Thanks to the Austin crew for making the trip to hang with us Houston NSXers!

Z, Thanks for getting me involved with the group and you'll be seeing alot of me at these GTGs. Love the way your X looks rolling. BLING BLING!!!

Tommy your car is INCREADIBLE!!!! Love the Do-Luck body kit and the way you put it all together. Truly a piece of art!!!

Pauls car I think has some kind of super natural dirt repelent. Not a spec, even after the drive. HOW DO YOU DO IT?!?! Thanks for putting it all together Paul, turned out great!

OK guys, lets post some more pics if anyones got em!!! Cant wait till next time. See you all laters....

Awesome weekend event guys!!! Kudos to Tommy and Paul for all the hard work of putting everything together. Really enjoyed it, we should do something like this once a month..

Ojas and Umar (sp?) thanks for coming down to was great to meet you guys! We know Houston is as flat as the chick on Will and Grace but hopefully u guys had fun.

my buddies with the Z06 and BMW M's were pretty impressed with our cars and how much fun we all had.!!

til next time,

Ojas and Umar, thanks for making the drive to Houston. Having you guys here made the event that much more fun. I know the roads are nothing compared to Austin but only in Houston would you have a chance to see “Pimp Tight”. If you guys are in town for another get together let me know, you are welcome to stay again.

Patrick, thanks for the compliments! I do my best to keep the car dust free. You too have a very nice car. I am excited to have met you and to have another Houston owner that wants to participate and meet up. We look forward to hanging out with you.

Z, glad to finally have you back. Your car is stunning. I think the shop did a great job with your car. The paint looks flawless.

Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, always full of surprises! Your new NSX needs to be driven and seen. It’s way to nice to keep it locked away in your garage. I really like what you have done with it.

I have some video of the drive that we will have to watch at the next get together. I won’t lie, the new Tein suspension presents a whole new challenge when trying to keep the camera stable. The video is a little bouncy (might be an understatement) in some sections but still worth watching.

Take care,
Sounds like you guys had tons of fun!! Sorry to miss out :( My 2 years old son was sick with ears infection and my wife is three months pregnant. Paul, thanks again for your invite and I will try to make it the next time especially if it is going to be in Austin.

Ojas, thanks for taking and posting the pics; especially the World debut of my bro's nsx. It looked great!! You guys need to tell me more about it as my bro wouldn't tell me anything about it, in fact, he didn't even tell me he bought one especically I spoke to him just yesterday and asked him what he was driving. He told me he was driving his friend, Robert's green nsx :mad: What's up with that!!! I think he just want to see me "Wow" in person by keeping it a secret. No matters, that's not right, you guys need to help me to come up with a purnishment......hum...i think he has that custom exhaust system in his garage from his previous black nsx......:D
home-away from home... =)

hmmm, what to say after this fun-filled R&R weekend!

I had mentioned to my comrade-in-NSX, Ojas. . .

"Houston we have a problem... we're gonna need bigger wheels!?!" :eek: (hehe)

~Paul, mucho gracias to you and your wife for the unconditional hospitality. It was incredibly sincere of you to accommodate the Austin NSX-duo! And but of-course, the silver NSX is a vision for the senses...

~Z', bro` I am beyond happy for you to get your NSX back on the scene. The styling cues you've done are very smooth & stealthy. We def' have to rendevouz again...

~Darren, it was pleasure to finally cross paths w/ you. Your NSX is something I can strive towards, it's cosmetic perfection! Have a grande` time in SintMaarten...

~Ricky, great to meet you and your wife AND the lil' adorable princess! Man, god-bless; she's simply precious. Oh yea, the red CTSC wasn't too shabby either...

~Tom, hola amigo! It was great conversating w/ you. Your Monaco blue is beyond impeccable and stylistically creative; a real head-turner w/ some originality...

~Patrick, man I finally got to meet the "mystery_sprayer"! You def' weren't embellishing the fact that the NSX is lo n' fast. Next time, I see a HUSH outing...

~Nick IS tha MAN! You're def' a Keeepin-It-REAL member. I do hope we all can kick it together more next time...

Let's make it happen again in the future...!!!
Guys, no joke, I had a great time. I thought there was no way to have more fun than we did in Austin, but I know I had just as much fun.

Thanks everyone for making it out and making this event so much fun.

Ojas- Thanks for snapping the pictures, great job. Also, thanks for taking some of my car. My digy cam was dead and this is the first time in months I've had my car, that's why I asked if you could take some pics.

Paul/Tommy- Thanks for setting this up. The drive to Kemah was nice, and I enjoyed seeing everyone. Paul, you did good with the carting event. We got a GREAT deal thanks to you!

Ricky- Your daughter is simply beautiful. Truely makes you take life into perspective.

Patrick- Welcome to the gang! I told you the NSX guys are an awesome bunch, with and without the cars. Truely nice people that I love hanging out with. Now start making some parts so I can try them on my car!! ;)

Hopefully we can have some more meets like this on a more normal basis; Install party, group car wash(the ladies can help with this), or just dinner. Maybe not so large, but something monthly or every other month. We all know our women don't understand us, so we have to get together so we can have each other to show our cars off to!!! :D

- Zishan
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