Me... wants... one....

23 October 2001
Zürich, Switzerland

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Only one year ago I did not ike the Enzo... :confused:
Yeah, it took me to see one IRL to want one ;)

But for some reason i am leaning towards a GT, prolly hearing the sound of the GT did it, or maybe the build quality.

Dreams, dreams, dreams....
A timeless car exudes a different persona in each hue...

hmmm... Guys, I have YET to even see an Enzo in person!?! I've seen pretty much everyother supercar, and uber-supercar in real life sans Ferrari's most elite prancer.

(Mission this weekend: Stake-out a Ferarri Enzo, make visual contact, and have stupid perma-grin for rest of the day!) :cool:
Hey, it's in your colour too <B>gheba</B>!!! :D

I'm still not overly fond of the Enzo; not having seen one in person doesn't help... so I really should reserve judgement. I find the Carrera GT's design inspiring; the enzo still seems a little 'concept-like'. Though i do like how the front of the Enzo resembles an F1.

But you guys should be ASHAMED of yourselves!!! :eek: By lusting after other supercars, you are being unfaithful to your NSX's! :D SHAME SHAME SHAME!! :D :D So when your NSX divorces you after you run off with a blonde enzo, your NSX can come move in with me. :D :D :D: D :D ROFL. :p
NeoNSX said:
Hey, it's in your colour too <B>gheba</B>!!! :D

By lusting after other supercars, you are being unfaithful to your NSX's! :D SHAME SHAME SHAME!! :D :D So when your NSX divorces you after you run off with a blonde enzo, your NSX can come move in with me. :D :D :D: D :D ROFL. :p
Make sure the NSX gets half of your asset. :biggrin: