Me and the BIG MAN (Mr. O)

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
Ronnie Coleman was in town again. Here is a shot of us at the gym. He is currently 295.

For all you workout guys out there... enjoy!


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He said he can fit in the NSX. He really likes them. He said he was thinking about getting a lambo though.
peiserg said:
when you said "Mr. O" i assumed you meant Ron Jeremy... My mistake... :D

nsxtasy said:
I'm more impressed by the Ron Jeremy photo.

I've never heard of Ronnie Coleman.

Ken, Ronnie Coleman is a 6 time Mr. Olympia. He is a monster. He is about twice as big as Arnold ever was! (well, not really).

Anyway, he comes to my gym every once in a while because he went to school here in Monroe.

Here is another pic of him. I don't think you can tell how large he really is in that pic I took.


Wow. He's so big... too bad for him though; he could never fit in an NSX. ;)

Is he any relation to Gary Coleman??? :D

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Tell Ronnie Coleman I said he needs to work out some more that dude is puny. :D :D :D

I am totally impressed with the Ron Jeremy photo. That is a good picture of him too, usually he looks like crap.
NetViper, I am truly impressed by MrO!

I am a old time a BB fan... to me the most impressive remains Nasser in the period 1997-1999 but Ronnie is a close second.

Dorian was also over the top!

PS: I used to train in the same gym were Jean Pierre Fux trained, then he moved to Cali in 1998... he was VERY HUGE, arrived 5th at MrO a couple years ago.
Gheba - you must have been impressed to double-post! :D

i'm disappointed nobody thought my gary coleman relation comment was funny... oh well, i thought it was hilarious. :rolleyes:
Just curious if Ronnie still kept his day job as Texas State Trooper?

When was Coleman ever a state trooper?
I think you are a little confused.
He worked as a patrol officer for the Arlington PD but from what I heard he is now doing the desk jockey thing.
I met Coleman about 5 years ago at Metroflex, his home gym.
BTW if you are a lifter, forget Venice Beach, Metroflex is the true Mecca of bodybuilding. I stumbled upon it in March of 1987 as I had completed prejudging in my first bodybuilding show. The owner, Brian Dobson, is a lifter's lifter and a great guy. Everytime I am in the Dallas area I make a special trip to stop in at the gym. I don't think Brian has ever askeed me to pay to train there. He always greets me with a smile, a firm handshake and just says "Air it out Doc!" The gym is fully loaded and replete with testosterene-inspired scrawlings on the wall, but lacking the frivolous excesses such as air conditioning which lesser gyms are marred by. If any NSX guys out there are bodybuilders, powerlifters, fighters or just enjoy lifting, you owe it to yourself to stop in if you are in the DFW metroplex area. Head over to 2921 South Cooper in Arlington and see for yourself why it says"A Hardcore Training Facility" on the shirts and "Train Hard or Leave" on the board.