May have located a trashed rebuilt NSX

11 July 2014
Chicago, IL
So, I am washing the car in the alley and some dude rides up on his bike. We exchange NSX pleasantries and then he drops the bomb; that there is an NSX for sale in the area. I ask him to tell me more and ask him if he is interested. His response was, "no, not for me. Besides, it is at a body shop and you should have seen it before they pulled the frame back into shape. A real wreck."

It is killing me not to hop in the car and get that VIN.
you can still find it act like you wanna buy it get the VIN and bust their azz
Thanks-I spent an hour near Pulaski and Belmont circling through and between buildings and car lots. I stoppedt, hopped out and chatted with a guy who said he had seen it this past week. He pointed in te general direction of a frame shop. Had a Bentley with a missing front cap. The dude had one of those filled-in teardrop tattoos near his right eye. I got the hell out of there. I'll go back in my SUV wearing jeans, next time.
your da man wear a bodycam LOL so we can see the action LOL

very cool. last 4 or a pic of the door jam vin