May 2nd, Come to the TRACK!!!!!


Legendary Member
25 August 2005
Hey guys, the next Hanson School is May 2nd - no excuses this time!!!:wink:

Who's coming?

1) Red (instructing)
2) Oyagi - John
3) The Devil - Peter
4) Tamar - John
5) Daria - (instructing)
6) ??
Sorry Stu.

Another excuse, I have a business conference in Markham that weekend starting on the Friday.


What are you - addicted to money? The track is only 30 mins away from Markham, come out, run all morning, leave at 3 be there for 4pm!
What are you - addicted to money? The track is only 30 mins away from Markham, come out, run all morning, leave at 3 be there for 4pm!


My wife will be with me - what do you suggest she do while I am out on the track all day? And no you cannot entertain her while I am out trackin'.


My wife will be with me - what do you suggest she do while I am out on the track all day? And no you cannot entertain her while I am out trackin'.


Damn! You reduced my possible answers down to ONE!:wink:

Let her try too! You can share the car with her no prob!:smile:
Let her try too! You can share the car with her no prob!:smile:[/QUOTE]

I am afaid that if I let her try she might show me show up, and my ego is fragile enuf as it is.:wink: Guess I will just have to go to my conference - but I do definitely want to make one of these track events. Got to give those Tein RAs a work out some time.

I'm just back from the track (in the rain) I had SUCH a great time!

Was driving a rented Mazda6 - great car! got some good slip-angle stuff happening since it was wet, it was extra-safe (lower speed, car just glides around - FUN)

You guys HAVE to come out - you have NO IDEA what you're missing - get an Mazda 6 if you're afraid - it was AWESOME!!!
Count me in. I have decided to sign up. Left Hanson an email, hope they still have room for the May 2nd session. Just bought my helmet today and all set to go!!

Red, are you planning to attend as well? Maybe instructing?
Red, are you planning to attend as well? Maybe instructing?

I'll be there instructing - Its my Daughter's b-day so I'll be a tiny bit late and I won't be able to stick around after - but expect to go to dinner afterwards, its part of the fun!:wink:
After reading about what to "JorjeM" I am a little concern about driving along the 401Hwy to Mosport. With the OPP out there to get us. If they can give you a ticket for driving below the speed limit & different body color, i am sure they are going to give me a ticket for have gold wheels. I just don't know what two do. It is not just getting the ticket from them that bother me but the hassle of deal with the after math. This might not be the summer to enjoy my car:frown:

Red, where did you rent the Mazda 6 and how much for the day? Just in case we expect rain next week, I want to make alternate plan.

I believe it came from Discount - but you can check by calling Peter Hanson.

After reading about what to "JorjeM" I am a little concern about driving along the 401Hwy to Mosport. With the OPP out there to get us. If they can give you a ticket for driving below the speed limit & different body color, i am sure they are going to give me a ticket for have gold wheels. I just don't know what two do. It is not just getting the ticket from them that bother me but the hassle of deal with the after math. This might not be the summer to enjoy my car:frown:

I just drove there and back a bunch of times this weekend with a BRIGHT Yellow NSX, cruise control @ 80 Mph/130 kph and didn't even see anyone who could bother me - don't worry, I'm pretty sure they had Jorie "flagged" for abuse.
Bah! I'm out for this one guys. Car's still at shop for at least another week!
Bah! I'm out for this one guys. Car's still at shop for at least another week!

And what's wrong with the BMer?:confused:
What's going on????

It seems like you guys are all talk no track!:confused:

You won't hurt your car - come on out and give it a try. My Student from last weekend went from a brand newbie, never on the track before to lapping a 2008 BMW M5 - I can teach you too!!!!

Hanson is a safe, fun day, and IF you're that concerned about your car rent one for $30 and take it - there is NO substitute for learning car control - if you haven't driven on a track you don't have it - no matter what you think!!!
M5 @ the DDT?

wouldn't be this guy would it :D

Suppose to rain this Friday. Don't know if I will bring my X for sure. This sucks:confused:

Two things:
1) It was supposed to be thundershowers all Friday and Sat of last week - no rain at mosport - different weather system!

2) I hope it rains! Rain makes the car slip earlier, therefore you get the feel at a WAY lower speed. For non-pros, the experience of on track (@ DDT) is as close as you will get to driving the car at the real limit - Don't be afraid, quite the contrary! Be excited! Pray for rain!:smile:
You guys should've join the Pfaff guys out there today.

It wasn't raining, it was just snowing :tongue:

Yeah, my buddy Andrew was there (white 944T Monster Racecar) he was just testing after all the work done last winter - he called me laughing!

Bobor - you have an NSX? Porsche? What's your story?
Neither, my honda is a convertible :biggrin:

I was out at the DDT taking pictures on Sunday, I was out at the big track working for a team on Wednesday.

Trying to make a living working in racing full time, market isn't exactly making it easy for me right now, that's for sure. The tog stuff is just my hobby outside of racing, but it's just too darn easy to grab my gear and go BACK to the track and shoot cars :redface: