Matt Hughes vs. BJ Penn UFC 63 Video

5 April 2006

Here is the fight from UFC 63: Matt Hughes vs. BJ Penn. Enjoy.
I was both surprised and disappointed to see Penn gas out like that so badly in the 3rd round.

IF he hadn't run out of stamina, I thinke he would have continued to easily handle everything that Hugh's could throw at him.

It was hard watching Penn being stuck and pounded in the crucifix position. Oh well, it looks like it's going to be up to Georges St. Pierre to serve Hughs a portion of humble pie.
After just arriving back in Hawaii, BJ talks about the outcome of his tough UFC 63 title fight against Matt Hughes which took place yesterday evening at Arrowhead Pond in Anahiem CA.

So BJ how are you doing?

I just got back to Hawaii. I'm resting up, I have some injuries. Other than that I'm okay.

So you just fought Matt Hughes. Could you walk us through the first round?

I felt good, I was happy that I was defending Matt's takedowns. I could see that Matt improved his standup. I wish I tried some takedowns, but other than that I was happy with it.

You say he improved his standup. How?

He was dodging my punches well, and he had a good jab.

What did you think of his takedowns?

His takedowns were good and strong, exactly what I expected.

Take us through the second round.

I felt great going in, Matt started trying to take me down from my right leg, it's something I expected he might do. He got me down against the fence, but I was thinking about this position alot and I was ready. When he went for a big elbow, he missed and I capitalized and started going for his back. At this moment, when I was making the turn towards his back, I felt my ribs seperate on my right side. Although I didn't know the severity of the situation. I was thinking I have to finish him now because I knew something was wrong. Matt defended himself well and got through the round. When I got up to walk to my corner, I knew something was wrong, but I didn't want to talk about it with my corner. I wanted to be the champ. I wanted to keep fighting.

What about round 3?

I remember standing up out of the corner in pain. But I was thinking, "Earn your title this is what you have to do to get your belt back, fight through the pain". I knew the oppurtunity I had with getting this fight, especially after losing my last fight. I wasn't going to quit on the corner. I kept going because I honestly believed it was destiny. When me and Matt were boxing I felt like I couldn't breathe and had no mobility in my core. But I kept thinking something good is going to happen. When Matt started dominating the stand up I tried for a takedown. I had nothing and pulled to guard. I felt like I couldn't do anything on the ground. But I was still positive. Matt hit me in the ribs from half guard. The pain was so excruciating I had to use my far hand to block it. I would rather Matt pass my guard and punch my face the hit my ribs. When Matt was in his favorite position that he likes. I was still thinking I was going to win somehow. Big John gave me plenty of time. I practiced defending against that position with flexibility, but I had none with my core. Even when Big John stopped the fight, I was still so positive I thought I escaped. Congratulations to Matt, he is a great fighter. It's not his fault that that happened, he fought like the champion he is. He deserved the victory.

So how are your ribs doing now?

There just hurting, I couldn't sleep last night, I couldn't lay down, Every time I breathe it expands my ribcage and aggrevates my ribs.

How do you think your conditioning was for this fight?

I was training great. I trained 5 to 6 rounds a couple times a week. I was also doing explosive cardio and getting proper rest.

Anything to say to your fans?

Thanks for your support. I already got a lot of emails from my fans. Thank you very much.
Keep checking my site and I'll keep you posted.

So what is next for BJ Penn?

I've got to take care of my ribs, so I'm taking 2 months off, and my suspension for the TKO. I talked to Dana and he said to give him a call when I'm ready to fight. It takes a long time to prepare for these fights and I'm very disappointed I got injured like that. I gotta sit down for a couple weeks and clear my head and see where I am in fighting.
Does anyone know why John Mccarthy jumped in before the bell sounded at the end of the second? I cannot figure out what happened at the end of the second round. Looks like they were seperated and the bell rang? why were they seperated?
Hey guys, I met Matt Hughes today in St. Louis at the airport. He was on his was to Las Vegas. On who else? Southwest Airlines. What a real nice guy! Very Personable! I talked to him for about 5 minutes. Told him I enjoyed the fight. That dude is like a brick!:eek: He still had a little "shine" under his right eye. Then, I beat the crap out of him. I had him in an arm bar so fast he didn't know what hit him. He tapped out. Ha. :biggrin: Ha. If he would have looked at me mean, I would have hurt myself running away..:biggrin: He did seem like a nice guy..
terrypancake said:
What a real nice guy! Very Personable! I talked to him for about 5 minutes. Told him I enjoyed the fight. That dude is like a brick!:eek: He still had a little "shine" under his right eye. Then, I beat the crap out of him. I had him in an arm bar so fast he didn't know what hit him. He tapped out. Ha. :biggrin: Ha. If he would have looked at me mean, I would have hurt myself running away..:biggrin: He did seem like a nice guy..

I live in SoCal and used to train so I have met a lot of the big name fighters. Chuck, Tito, Tank, Rampage, Royce, a lot of the Huntington Beach crew (ie. Serious Pimp), etc. One thing that really strikes you about them is that they are the nicest, most harmless people you can meet (with the exception of Tank). That's outside of the ring of course. But there must be something about fighting in MMA that makes them unusually nice outside of the ring. Probably the fact that they know they can kick your ass so they don't have to prove it. When I say nice, I mean they are unusually nice characters, you wouldn't think they'd hurt a fly.

Back on topic, I do think BJ was injured just like he said. He didn't spend a lot of energy when Matt was on top and a triangle he would have normally finished at the end of the round he kinda let off. Turbo2go, the streaming video makes it look as if McCarthy broke them up before the bell but the audio is delayed. I have a WMV file of the fight I can post if anyone is interested. BJ should have had Matt at the end of round 2. I don't think Matt was saved by the bell as some people claim, I think BJ just didn't have it in him after the rib injury to maintain pressure with the triangle. I have that same exact injury and I know exactly what he went through and why he couldn't finish. Even after years, my injury is still not healed and prone to re-injury. Props to BJ... I think Matt is in for huge trouble with St. Pierre.
well the GSP fight will be a good fight. Thats for sure. Yeah I do find a lot of the MMA guys to be very nice. I am close friends with Kenny Florian, we trained at the same academy for years. Nicest guy you will ever meet.
I had my money on Hughes. Penn is a good fighter but has been out of the loop for too long. While he left, Hughes was dominating. I wasnt surprised that Penn was losing stamina. You see Hughe picking guys up off the ground after a few minutes of harding working ground fighting. Everyone says that Hughes isnt good because he does the same thing. Look at Liddel, hes a sprawl and Brawler and he wins. If it works dont fix it. Doesnt mean Hughes isnt capable of strike with stand up. It doesnt mean Liddel cant submit people on the ground. Liddel was an All American Wrestler. Hughes dominates with strikes on the ground, he knows how to punch. I'd say that St Pierre can't touch him either.

Im really looking forward to Franklin's fight. I dont know why people are saying that he might lose. Franklin is one of the most well rounded fighters. Has a knock out punch, can submit people. 20 wins and 1 loss and all wins are from different catagories.

Ha, I talk a lot on this subject, as you can tell by my name, Im passionate about MMA. Anyone else here train?